

 Registrace   |   Tři pevné body prvolezce: Naděje, že nahoře půjde založit, Láska i ktomu nejtitěrnějšímu chytečku a Víra ve svého výborného jističe.
Hledání cesty

Hledání na Lezci

Fasádní Servis
Update sprievodca Jelenec
Pomozte vydat knihu Dobrodružství v prášku… přidáte jen vodu
Křest lezeckého průvodce Vltavská žula

Secret Spot Bouldering 2024 (19.10)
MČR v bouldru (19.10)
Boulder OPEN 2020 LA SKALA (26.10)

1.Ondra 13491
2.Šindel 12475
3.Votoček 12318
1.Konečný 11275
2.Stráník 11056
3.Volf 11009
1.Groš 7777
2.Rojko 7436
3.Skopec 7324

MČR rychlolezení (13.10)
SP Praha (20.09)
EP obtížnost Bologna (14.09)

5663 lezců
1139325 cest
Nové přelezy:
Destinazio 7c+
Matrix 8b
Crosta P&# 7c
Komleksy H 7C+
Komba 8A
Oktoberfes 8a
Jak 7b
Jeti 7b+
Upalone Me 8A+
Citová Inv XIa

AK T.J. Sokol Mšeno - Mšeno u Mělníka
Lezecká stěna - Tábor
Stěna u Salesiánů - Praha 8

Rock Point - Palác Flóra - Praha 3
HUDYsport - Praha 6
Rock Point Hradec Králové - Hradec Králové


Mallorka - ostrov skal

Letosni leden jsme jiz konecne uskutecnili dlouho planovany vylet za lezenim na Mallorku. Po dlouhych pripravach a cekani na vhodny last moment, jsme se konecne, jsa vybaveni podrobnymi informacemi o skalach, prirode a podnebi, snesli ( samozrejme v letadle z Prahy za 2,5 hod) na nevelky ostrov ve Stredozemnim mori - Mallorku. Chtel bych nyni strucne podat informace pro pripadne nasledovniky, nebot deset dni stravenych na tomto malebnem kousku zeme, se nam velmi libilo.

Mallorka - je opravdu lezeckym rajem a to z nekolika duvodu. Asi nejvice pritazlivym se zda jeji, pro lezeni fantasticke klima v zimnich mesicich. Leden muze totiz stale znamenat lezeni v tricku ci do puli tela a pro otuzile (velmi otuzile) i nejake to tempo v mori.

Svoji krasu ma i velka rozmanitost skalnich oblasti, ktere prestoze nejsou, co do poctu cest nijak giganticke nabizeji solidni lezeni na nekolik tydnu pobytu, pro vsechny vykonostni kategorie. Materialem je pevny chytovaty vapenec (zluty, oranz, sedivy), ktery tvori jediny skalnaty material na ostrove je trochu porezni a rad tvori krapniky. Prakticky neobjevite oblast, ktere by nedominoval nejaky rampouch, krapnik, nejaka zila ci vapencovy had. Zde tomu rikaji tufa. Nektere tvori dokonce karfiolovite utvary trcici ze steny a lezci pak poskytujici nadherny no-handrest v jinak hladke stene. Chyty jsou ostre neolezene a poskytuji velmi dobre treni. V nekterych oblastech zejmena u more vam ostra struktura natrha zaverem dne kuzi na prstech.

Skalni oblasti jsou relativne nedaleko hlavniho mesta Palma de Mallorca (autem 1/2 az 1 hodinu jizdy). Jsou zejmena na zapade nejlepsi, lehci na severu a nad morem na vychode ostrova. Oblasti nejsou daleko od sebe a tak je mozne spojit lezeni v nekolika oblastech i v jednom dni. Potencial pro eventualni mozne dalsi oblasti, sektory a cesty je naprosto giganticky. Dosud je lezecky vyuzito pry jen deset procent skalnich sten, sam si myslim ze toto cislo je jeste nizsi, nebot kam se podivate, vsude vidite nadherne steny, ale jen na malokterych jsou udelany cesty. Pravda je take, ze rada sten je jen velmi obtizne pristupna a nektere jsou dokonce zcela tabu, nebot lezi na pozemku nejakeho dobrodince, ktery se rozhodl, ze nedovoli jejich osoupavani lezci. Take je zde markantni fakt, ze vetsinou jen pohodlne pristupne skaly byly vybaveny nyty, prestoze treba nejsou tak hezke, jako jejich hure dostupne kolegyne.

Ostrov take nabizi radu jinych aktivit lezeni nejblizsi jiste bude patrit turistika a cyklistika. A v teplejsich mesicichi koupani v mori.

Ale abych stale jen nechvalil, ostrov ma i sva negativa, nejvice na me zapusobila ohavna zkolonizovanost pobrezi ( prevazne Nemcikama a z toho mozna pramenici neduvera a podezrivavost mistnich obyvatel k turistum ) Nastesti leden je spolu s ostanimi nesezonimy mesici pomerne poklidny a tak spise podivne pusobi pustota hotelovych kompexu a plazi. Obcas se take setkate s nevrazivym pohledem starousedliku, kdyz si to mirite pres jejich pozemek, casto jedinou moznost, jak se dostat ke skalam. Takze jeste pristupy ke skalam jsou trochu zvlastni kapitolou v tomto kraji. Casto totiz musite obchazet, hledat, prodirat se houstim a preskakovat kamene zidky. Ale neni to tak zle , casto to bylo zpusobeno, ze jsme hned napoprve netrefili ten spravny pristup.

Tipy na cestu:
Na Mallorcu se prevazne leta a zimnim obdobi je prave pro lezce zajimava sezona s nabidkou  Fishera. Jeho lednova last moment nam napriklad umoznila 11 dni za 6990 Kc vcetne letu, ubytovani, polopenze a dokonce Allianz pojisteni. Vim, ze pro lezce je sedm tisic vetsinou dost penez, a ze by bylo mozno poridit za to treba dva vylety do Italie se spanim ve stanu, ale ubytovani na hotelu v zimnich mesicich, kdy je jiz v sest hodin tma, ma sve vyhody. Polopenze (prestoze snidane byly trochu slabota a vecer naopak velka porce - hotel Leblon) je take idealni reseni pro lezecky trip. Celkove naklady vzrostou pak jen o pujceni auta, ale ty jiz lze rozlozit na vice ucastniku. (auto typu Ford Ka, ci Opel Corsa je cena asi 550-600 Kc na den, plati, ze cim dele tim levnejsi). Pro trenovanejsi je mozne jezdit po skalach i na kole, pak to dostava zcela jiny rozmer, nebot skaly jsou od Palmy vzdalene 25 - 45 ty severni az 80 km.

Co si jiste na Mallorku nevozit:
Pomerance, mandle, citrony a datle jsou pochutiny, ktere pri toulkach jiste objevite v opustenych sadech ci podel cest.

Naopak, co si privezt:
Vetrovku  (obcas treba v otevrenych oblastech - Alaro, Santanya dosti fouka), slunecni bryle a krem na opalovani. Pro navstevniky hotelu Leblon nejaky doplnek snidane. ( vlocky ), lano staci ve vetsine oblasti i 60m a radsi vice nez deset expresek, tvurci cest nebyli z nejodvaznejsich a tak kazda cesta je nahusto vytycena radou nytu.

Kolo je take bez problemu prepravovano , musi vsak byt zabaleno v krabici, ci byt v transpornim obalu, pak je prepraveno jako normalni zavazadlo a neplatite za nej nic navic.( leti s vama)

Dulezite je take se vybavit pruvodcem sezenete ho v Plame ulice Via Sindicat 21 obchod se jmenuje Es Refugi.

Nekteri z mistnich sikulu se rozhodli, ze se budou zivit vyktradanim aut a tak je temer jistotou, ze vam vytlucou sklo, kdyz zapomenete neco v aute (auta samotna se na ostrove nekradou). Takze se dokonce v pruvodci muzete docist drsnou radu, ze je lepe auto nechat otevrene se stazenymi okenky. Pro ty kdo nekdy navstivili Calanques to neni asi zadne novum.

Oblasti a jejich charakteristika:

Sa Gubia
10:00-18:00 [92 cest, 4-7b+]
Asi nejznamejsi divoka oblast na ostrove s divokym pristupem (25min), ale kupodivu zdaleka ne nejlepsi. Relativne komplikovana pristupova cesta obchazejici pozemky vas dovede do kotlinovite rozsireneho kanonu, ktery nabizi nadherne, trochu divocejsi lezeni. Jak sportovniho tak i vicedelkoveho az horskeho chrakteru. Slunce putujici po nebi postupne zasviti do vsech sten a tak se mu lze pekne vystavit ci pred nim schovat.
Doporucene cesty:
Silo se no Vengo 7a
Algo Salvage  6b
Silicona  6b+
Sexo Debil 4  6a +6b +6b  6b
10:00-18:00 [34 cest, 4 - 8a]

Tri terasy tvori tuto vyslunenou peknou oblast. O prvni se tristi more, druha tvori perfekni kamenou platformu pro jistice a na treti nejvyssi ( do 20m ) se leze a vedou zde cesty vsech obtiznosti.

Jirka v 6c+ Santanayi

Doporucene cesty:
Colesterol Party 6a+
Na c\'al les Seychelles 7a+
La Calle de Ritmo  7b

12:00-18:00 [40 cest, 4 - 7c]
Oblast z vyhledem na more, do dvou sektoru rozdelene nevysoke skalky se znamou previslou casti nad silnici, kde vede pekne 6c+  a 7a+. Spise pro soft movery a idealni jako posledni den pred odletem.

9:00-12:00 [71cest, 4 - 8b+]

Fraguel vysoke pres 30m, previsle steny zdaleka nejsou zaplneny

Fraguel je naprosto super moderni oblast v divokem a tichem kanonu s dobrym pristupem. Klikata sotolinova cesta, ktera odbocuje doleva do kopce jeste v mestecku Bunyola, vas vyveze na vrchol kopce, kde zaparkujete, aby jste pak po kratkem sestupu ubocim, zalesnenym polovysokymi cesminovymi duby, dosli do polorozevreneho kanonu. Zaverecnou pasaz musite jiz vylozene sesplhat po zakotvenem lane s uzliky a ocitnete se v divokem uzlabi, jehoz obe strany jsou prerusovane lemovany nadhernymi oranzovymi stenami na jejichz vrcholcich se usidlily pokroucene borovice.

Jana zdolava 7b+ - Fraguel

Steny dosahuji vysky asi do 35 m. Leze se zatim jen v nejblizsim a hlavnim sektoru, ale ostatni steny dychtive cekaji na nove prvolezce.(na masivni az 40m sektor, ktery je videt skoro naproti hlavnimu sektoru, bude pravdepodobne sektor budoucnosti tohoto udoli jsou zatim vytyceny tri nadherne linie, ale moznosti je pravdepodobne dvacetkrat tolik.)
Jungle Hop 7a
Goo-goo Mack 8a
Ramadan 8b+
On es l\'Avi 7b

Port Soller
12:00-18:00 [30 cest, 6a - 8a+]
Nadherny utes nad morem s nekolika peknymi cestami. Bohuzel velmi trpici expansi cestovniho ruchu. Primo na vrcholu skal se totiz mistni koumesove rozhodli postavit pas hotelu. Oblast se tedy nachazi pod stavenistem a tak k problemum s pristupem se pridava i neporadek a hluk.

Port Soler

11:00 - 18:00 [41 cest, 5 - 7c+]

Alaro - pas sektoru, z nichz nektere dosud cekaji na sve objeveni

Oblast, ktera jiste nadchne kazdeho lezce svymi stenami, cestami a hlavne uzasnym vyhledem na cely ostrov. Obrovska hora, jako protahly k nebi  trcici suk, je lemovana stenami ze vsech svetovych stan a ovencena zriceninami gotickeho hradu a novodobejsi kapli z roku 1726. Je zde zrealizovano opravdu jen mizive procento moznosti, (zatim jen tri nejpohodlneji pristupne sektory) nehlede na vedlejsi neuveritelne krasny a giganticky masiv, na kterem se neleze zatim vubec.

Jana leze 7b v Alaru

Leze se hlavne ve dvou sektorech nejvice ve zcela levem, primo pod zriceninami hradu a pak v sektoru daleko vpravo stred je hanebne nevyuzit, prestoze nabizi nadhernou skalu , misty vykotlanou polojeskynemi a ozdobenou hadovitymi splazi, vzdy vsak s pevnou skalou.
Buf !! 7a
Zatropeck 7c

Calla Magraner
9:00-18:00 [60 cest, vse]
Romanticka oblast v krasne zatoce chranena pred vetrem. Je zde vetsinou soft lezeni s vyjimkou dvou vice previslych jeskynovitych sektoru.
Jednim z nich je El Cuenco [14 cest , 7a-8b] uzasna jeskynovita stena s samymi previslymi a tvrdymi cestami. Je trochu temna, ale je tim padem chranena pred horkem a destem.

Spise tezsi cesty. Previsly sektor s poradnymi prasky. Je vlastne jednim ze sektoru Cala Magraner.
Oblasti je zde mnohem vice, nejsou jiz tak velke, ale jiste v kazde z nich by si kazdy nasel tu svou cestu. 

12:00 18:00 [28 cest, 4- 6c]
Poklopenace v nadherne krajine a ostre chyty charakterizuji pry tuto oblast ostatecne pro lidi operujici v sestem stupni fr. klas. Muze zde byt vetrno.

12:00 - 18:00 [20 cest, do 6b]
Stinene stromy a chladnejsi kdyz je vetrno. Poklopene male stenky nedaleko Plamy. Lezeni je spise na prsty vetsinou kolem esteho stupne franc. klasifikace a po ostrejsich chytech.

12:00 -18:00 [12cest, od kazdeho stupne jedna ci dve cesty]
Krasne skaly situovane na vychode od Soleru je zde jen nekolik cest presto nelze rici ze se nevyplati sem zajet. Je zde od kazde obtiznosti neco.

Son Xanquete
15:00 - 18:00 [14cest, sedmy]
Nizke skalky nad morem a na nich asi 14 hezkych cest, previsy a ostry material.

Ses Tret
Bez slunce [14cest, tezsi do 8b]
Opusteny vapencovy lom neprilis hezke lezeni. Previsle - dobre kdyz prsi.

Santa Ponca
[7cest, od 6b do 7b+]
Ve stinu situovane vesmes previsle skalky

Nova oblast spise lehke cesty v plotnach. Dva sektory. Betlem One a Betlem Two.

Orientacni ceny jidel, potravin a napoju v restauracich a obchodech:

Voda 1,5l  35 ESP
Voda 5l    135 ESP
Mleko 1l 75-90 ESP
Cokolada 100g 100-150 ESP
Tycinka Mars,Snick. 60 ESP
Suchary s cesnekem 200g 90 ESP
Bagetta 50 ESP
Olivovy olej 1l  300 ESP
Pomerance 1 kg:  95-130 ESP
Banany 1 kg: 210 ESP
Jablka 1 kg:265 ESP

Bezne jidlo v restauraci:
v levnejsi 800-1 500 ESP,
v luxusnesi 2500-5000 ESP
Cola: v restauraci 150 ESP, v obchode 55 ESP
Pivo: v restauraci 150-300 ESP, v obchode 40 - 100 ESP
Vino 0,2 litru: v restauraci 250 ESP, v obochode od 100 ESP za litr
Voda 1 litr: v restauraci 150 ESP, v obchode 90 - 120 ESP
Hamburger 400 ESP

Ostatni veci:
Benzin 130 ESP
Pruvodce okopirovany - vsechny dulezite oblasti 500 ESP
Pruvodce nove vydani zatim ho jeste nemaji (na jare 2001 ) cena odhaduji 3-4 tisice ESP
Sto ESP je 21 Kc

JirkaS   [úpravy] 07:31 25.01.2001Tisk 


Související články:


Nový komentář 

Vy jste tam meli kola?
Zapsal: Hop, 08:51:41 25.01.2001
Ne, s nama v hotelu byli lezci, kteri si je tam privezli.
Problemy s prevozem ani s umistenim v hotelu nemeli. Vzdyt je to ostrov jako stvoreny pro cyklistiku a take spoustu cycklistu sem prileta. Asfalt jako mlat a vsude se da dojet.
Zapsal: JirkaS, 09:08:43 25.01.2001
Plně s vámi souhlasím,že Mallorka je oblast,kterou stojí navštívit.Byl jsem tam týden lońskou zimu a včera jsem se vrátil z dvoutýdenního pobytu.Jestli byste potřebovali,mám britský průvodce a mohu vám ho nakopírovat.A ještě,oblasti Calvia a Betlem jsou nepřístupné kvůli vyloženému nepřátelství majitelů pozemků vůči lezcům.Ahoj Aleš ze Šternberka
Zapsal: Aleš, 16:19:34 28.01.2001
Alesi, to vse docela zapada do nasich postrehu o tom, jak jsou nekdy problematicke pristupy. Pozemek u skal vetsinou neni pro nikoho zajimavy, ale kolem nich je vetsinou kompaktni rada pozemnku, pres ktere je obtizne se dostat. Tak je treba nekdy volit delsi cestu nekdy hodne dlouhou a pozemky obejit. Kdyz skaly primo lezi na nekoho zahrade, je pak vetsinou posekano , pokud to neni nejaky pohodar.
Zapsal: JirkaS, 16:42:45 28.01.2001
Ahoj, predpokladam, ze na koupani v mori to v lednu nebude. Nevite, od kdy jde spojit lezeni a koupani?
Zapsal: Standa, 10:12:34 29.01.2001
 Lezeni a koupani
V lednu je to opravdu jen pro otuzile. Ani jaro neni uplne nejlepsi, i kdyz teploty mohou byt jiz na Slunci tropicke. Ale jak more pomalu vychlada, tak idealni se jevi konec turisticke sezony na podzim. Konec rijna a listopad. Minuly rok melo more jeste v prosinci 19 stupnu a to je modra nadhera.
Zapsal: JirkaS, 13:00:26 29.01.2001
Prave jsem se vratil z Mallorky, musim konstatovat, že i v únoru to tam není špatné, ale chci jen upozornit zájemce o lezení v oblasti el Cuenco - od dob vydání průvodce vyrostl asi 20 m od skal luxusní hotel. Jedná se o střežený pozemek a lezení je možné po tel. dohodě s majitelem. Tuto informaci mám od místních lezců.
Jinak mam malou opravu Caimari není sektorem Cala Magraneru, ale samostatná oblast severně cca 12 km od Inci.
Zapsal: safi, 12:04:29 23.02.2001
Pravda, pravda chybka se vloudila pri sazeni textu odskocila radka, Caimari je v centru ostrova nedaleko Alara a El Cuenco je po ceste na Cala Magraner. Diky za upresneni. Sazec zustal po skole a sam sem si dal pohlavek.
Zapsal: JirkaS, 17:40:59 28.02.2001
Bol tam aj nejaky podmorsky badatel? Funguju tam potapacke agentury alebo takto: kto si tam zasnorchloval a aky je tam podmorsky zivot? Diky za info
Zapsal: Miro, 14:44:37 07.09.2001
 Omezeni na Alaru
Podle poslednich zprav je oblast Alaro zavrena, nachazi se na soukromem pozemnku. Je "super" ze nekdo muze vlastnit cele udoli horu i s gotickym hradem. Take Fischer letos nenabizi pobytove zajezdy na Malorcu , sezenete u nej jen letenky.
Zapsal: JirkaS, 14:04:57 27.11.2002
 Omezeni na Alaru
Info o zakazu lezeni na Alaru nejsou az tak pravdou. Majitel pozemku rozhodl, ze lezt se muze, ale jenom s jejich predchozim souhlasem, ktery je mozno ziskat mailem. Nanestesti adresu jsem uz zapomel, ale myslim, ze tato se stale na Rockfax.com kde se da dale sehnat vytecny pruvodce s dobrymi popisy skal a pristupu k nim.
Zapsal: Stepan, 21:29:48 27.11.2002
potapecskeych skol tu je habadej. Urcite ti daj na ne v hotelu informace. Ja si tu pred tremi lety dala open water diver (PADI) do 20 metru behem tri dnu. stalo me to to asi 50 000Pts (asi 300€). Od ty doby sem se k tomu z financnich a zdravotnich duvodu nevratila :-(. Potapeni je tu fajn nejlepsi prej je ale u Cabrery, coz je 1. "spanelsky narodni morni park" .
Snorchl je jinak fajn po celym pobrezi. Je tu spousta skrytych jeskynek. Ale bacha na meduzy!
pa pa
Zapsal: adela, 10:57:56 19.05.2004
 potapeni super
Ja se tam potapel minuly leto. je tam česka potapečska zakladna v Colonii st. Jordi...blizko ostrova Caprera..bylo to moc fajn
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The gunman, who police identified as 59-year-old Rockne Newell, was arraigned Tuesday on homicide charges and other counts. Newell indiscriminately fired shots Monday night as he barged into the meeting, authorities said. He left long enough to get another weapon from his car and continued firing upon returning until he was tackled by at least one person and was shot with his own gun, police and witnesses said.

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SO, let&#8217;s see how it came to this. 1st, Mubarak said he would not seek re-election. Then, Obama told Mubarak he must go now and the transition needs to start right now. Then, Morsi was voted in (I stil think the elections were rigged). Now, a military coup topples him and Obama refuses to call it a coup and does not condemn the action. Then, Obama, against US law, decides we must continue our foreign aid to Egypt and on the very day we are to send them F-16 fighters (the first of many) he calls off the ferry flight. Now, he urges restraint. Maybe, if Obama had kept his mouth shut and allowed Mubarak to finish his term and elections to be held, all of this could have been avoided. When the President of a superpower tells the leader of another country they have to go, maybe he should rethink his actions. Our foreign policy is a mess right now and we&#8217;re not helping.

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&#8220;He was not a whistleblower, he was a traitor,&#8221; said Major Ashlend Fein, wrapping up nearly five hours of closing arguments on Thursday.  Manning is alleged to have provided the anti-secrecy website with two air combat videos and nearly 700,000 classified documents, including military action reports from Iraq and Afghanistan and diplomatic cables.

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Three of the most renowned U.S. National Parks, the Grand Canyon, Mount Rushmore and the Statue of Liberty, are to reopen in coming days after state governors reached deals despite an ongoing government shutdown.

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House Minority Whip Steny Hoyer, D-Md., countered that the public had litigated the healthcare law in 2012 with the re-election of Obama and accused Republicans of "rampant irresponsibility" that increased the prospects of an Oct. 1 shutdown.

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THIS AND TROT: Reigning Horse of the Year Wise Dan remains on course for the Aug. 10 Fourstardave Handicap, looking to win the race for the second straight year. On Saturday morning, the 6-year-old breezed four furlongs in :51.24 over Saratoga’s main track. ... Authenticity ($3) held off the late rail run by Flashy American to take the $200,000 Shuvee Handicap by a length, while Eblouissante, the half-sister to 2010 Horse of the Year Zenyatta, failed to beat a horse, suffering her first loss after winning the first two starts of her career. ... Royal Delta ($2.80), the winner of the last two editions of the Breeders’ Cup Ladies’ Classic, returned to the winner’s circle with a 10 3â�„4 length win in the Grade I Delaware Handicap at Delaware Park. The 5-year-old mare will start next in the Aug. 25 Personal Ensign Invitational at Saratoga, where she’ll likely meet Authenticity.

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The data is mostly based on 36 states where the federalgovernment will operate the insurance exchange. About 14 otherstates and the District of Columbia are running their ownexchanges. Three states - Hawaii, Kentucky and Massachusetts -had not released premium information at the time of the report.

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The House then passed another bill on Monday evening to fund the government - but with a one-year delay to one of the health law&#039;s primary elements not due to begin on 1 October, the individual mandate.

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Opposition to the sale of Libra is strong among Petrobras unions. The unions remain amgry about the 1997 end of Petrobras&#8217; monopoly over exploration, production and refining and regularly attack any non-Petrobras involvement in oil production, whether the involvement is domestic or foreign.

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Obama has been criticized for not appointing more women to top administration posts. Some Senate Democrats have urged him to appoint Janet Yellen as the first female head of the Federal Reserve when Ben Bernanke steps down, widely expected to occur in January.

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The piece&rsquo;s concerns are, however, emotional and universal. It begins with two boys performing a close-knit, faintly martial duet &ndash; think capoeira on fast-forward &ndash; after which all five dancers weave lithely in and out of each other&rsquo;s spaces and lives, evoking a powerful sense of intimately shared concerns and experience. While the mood is sombre, there are fine flourishes of wit, such as the fellow flailing wildly behind a girl as she strides confidently forwards, oblivious. And although the music &ndash; all drawn from Cliff Martinez&rsquo;s score for the 2002 remake of the Tarkovsky film Solaris, and often reminiscent of Barrington Pheloung&rsquo;s for Inspector Morse &ndash; is not the profoundest you&rsquo;ll ever hear, it sets the right melancholic tone.

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Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov responded: &#8220;I remember when we met John Kerry for the first time. He told me a great responsibility rests on our two countries, a lot of things depend on us. That is why we have to work as adults. This is what we are trying to do and we hope that it is reciprocal. &#8220;

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It accounts for more than 18,500 deaths each year, around a third of all deaths. Patients who suffer a heart attack normally undergo an emergency operation called angioplasty where a stent - a thin cylindrical metal mesh tube - is inserted into the blocked artery to restore normal blood.

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Early last month, a Florida man named Derek Medina posted aFacebook message to "friends" that he had killed his wife aftershe started punching him, and posted a picture of her lying onthe floor. He pleaded not guilty to second degree murder lastweek.

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Gina dispels this immediately. &ldquo;Actually, we found the hair takes all the sweat away. We want to break down the misconceptions that armpit hair is unhygienic, because it isn&rsquo;t,&rdquo; she stresses. In fact, hair follicles are proven to absorb sweat instead of letting it sink into the skin. Scientifically, there is nothing negative about women having underarm hair. Instead, the problem is deeply rooted in society.

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The preliminary hearing -- which could last up to three days -- will determine whether the case against former PSU president Graham Spanier, former athletic director Tim Curley and former vice president Gary Schultz goes forward to a full trial.

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A source told the gossip site that the former "Jersey Shore" star is not convinced the 25-year-old woman named Amanda Markert is a fit mother for his baby, citing that she was once a Hooters waitress and has another child with someone else.

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Paul Lawrie, as dour as they come in his public persona, would ultimately reflect that he had never cried so much in his life. It might seem mawkish to suggest that these men were united under the banner of Ballesteros, but on Sunday morning at Medinah Country Club they arrived on the putting green crackling with a collective energy.

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Gennady Gatilov, Russia&rsquo;s deputy foreign minister, said that he regretted the postponement of the meeting in a new rift that bodes ill for agreement at a meeting of the United Nations Security Council on Wednesday.

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Management reported &ldquo;continued strength&rdquo; in the capital&rsquo;s market, after insurance group Amlin in May agreed to let 20pc of the office space in its Leadenhall Building in London, nicknamed the &ldquo;Cheesegrater&rdquo;. That meant the tower, still under construction, is more than 51pc pre-let.

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"If five to six of them are strung together like a sentence, they are no longer symbols but words," said Cao Jinyan, a scholar on ancient writing at Hangzhou-based Zhejiang University. He said the markings should be considered hieroglyphics.

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During the Cold War, the Nevada Test Site was used to test what effect nuclear blasts might have on a wide variety of features of civilian life, including homes, offices, shelters, vehicles, landscaping and civilians. The blasts did not improve them.

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As Christine Craven-Walker, ex-wife of lava lamp inventor, explained: &#8220;At that time, everything was getting a little bit psychedelic, there was Carnaby Street and the Beatles and things launching into space and so on. He just thought it was quite funky and might be something to launch into and see what he could make of it.&#8221;

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In the past Djalili, who is married with three children, has often appeared to be a comedian with an agenda, eager to weave into his material political statements. Now, he says, &ldquo;I&rsquo;ve realised people find a lot of things boring. I recently did a joke about Michael Gove, and as soon as I said his name, I felt the audience turn off. I used to think that you could shatter people&rsquo;s lives with comedy. But I now know that it doesn&rsquo;t work like that.

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The study, drawn from data on 74,000 pregnant women in 12 European countries gathered between 1994 and 2011 and published in the Lancet Respiratory Medicine, estimated concentrations in the air of nitrogen oxides and fine particulates at home addresses.

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SANA also said a correspondent for the Russian English-language TV station Russia Today was wounded while covering in clashes in the Damascus suburb of Daraya on Sunday. Journalist Ibrahim Essa was treated for minor injuries from shrapnel and was released from the hospital the same day, SANA said.

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But not all. In March, for example, a historian in the town of Helsa, not far from Frankfurt, learned that the honor for Hitler had never been revoked. The municipal government acted quickly, and by April, his name had been removed.

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The tally for residential losses includes damaged or destroyed housing, as well as lost furnishings and belongings and costs incurred by displaced residents to live elsewhere until their dwellings are repaired or replaced, Eqecat said.

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Louay al-Mokdad, the FSA’s political and media coordinator, said that Western powers had confirmed there would be a military reaction to the chemical weapons attack. And it would be welcome, he said.

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The launch of this fund is very timely. The Army is shedding around 3,000 servicemen every year, with some 20,000 set to lose their jobs by 2020. This forms part of a defence security review agreed in 2010, which aims to cut the costs incurred by the armed forces.

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For 18 years, Mokhtar Lakhdar served under the Gaddafi regime as a commando and instructor before he retired and went into tourism. In the first days of the revolution, he led fighters to seize a massive weapons depot. Two Air Force jets were sent to attack them and destroy the depot, he said, but through a fortunate turn of events the pilots instead dumped their payload in the desert and defected to Malta. 

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Neuman said Beaver Dam has been preparing for emerald ash borers in a number of ways. First, the city has reduced the number of ash trees through attrition. Neumann said from 30 to 40 percent of all trees in the city are ash trees and that by removing damaged trees in parks and other public locations, that ratio has been gradually shrinking.

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When Mr Sharif became prime minister, public expectations were sky high that he would quickly get to grips with Pakistan&#039;s most pressing problems - rampant terrorism, multiple insurgencies, an economy in free fall, the lack of electricity and a debilitating foreign policy.

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This conflict is a clash between villains: the Islamists who won power via democratic election and then abused it by trampling the rights of women, secular Egyptians and Christians, vs. the authoritarian military that kept Hosni Mubarak in power by repressing broad segments of the population.

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Eurozone banks have already shrunk their balance sheets by2.9 trillion euros ($4 trillion) since May 2012 - by renewingfewer loans, repurchase and derivatives contracts and sellingnon-core businesses - according to data from the ECB.

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After putting a group of migraine patients under an exercise regime that involved 40-minute sessions three times a week, a team of Swedish researchers found that the number of migraines fell for both participants who exercised, and those who were put on a drug plan.

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In front-page stories, the Nation, Standard and Star newspapers questioned whether the Kenyan government and military may have failed to act on this and more recent warnings this year by local and foreign intelligence services.

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A U.S. senate report said that Grout, who reported to Iksil and was in charge of recording the prices of positions on the trading book, warned his superior in a recorded phone conversation in March 2012 that the team&#39;s reporting strategy would be "a big fiasco" and end up in "big drama".

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"The U.S. government continues to receive information about potential terrorist threats aimed at U.S., Western, and Kenyan interests in Kenya, including in the Nairobi area and in the coastal city of Mombasa," said the warning. "Terrorist acts can include suicide operations, bombings, kidnappings, attacks on civil aviation, and attacks on maritime vessels in or near Kenyan ports."

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"I have developed a keen awareness of probability because I play Dungeons & Dragons... I roll lots of dice," she writes. "I do understand the mathematics as well, but the intuitive &#039;feel&#039; that is merely proven after I&#039;ve done the sums is due to years of D&D (over 30...) and people say I&#039;m wasting time role-playing."

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LOSTBOUND MEMORY: Works by Joe Ely and Marie Ely will be a two-monthlong exhibition of approximately forty mixed media pieces that document the artistic musings of the legendary Texas musician Joe Ely and his creative progeny, Marie Ely. DEN Property Group will present this exhibition at their downtown space The DEN in collaboration with Taylor Livingston. This will mark the first time these works have been featured together in the public realm.

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Last weekend Prime Minister Enda Kenny said Ireland wouldend the programme on Dec. 15, leaving Greece, Portugal andCyprus still with sovereign bailouts. Spain has also takenEuropean money to rescue its banks.

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&#8220;We have been aware of Quentin Saulsberry&#8217;s arrest and will continue to monitor the legal developments related to this matter, which is subject to review under the NFL&#8217;s policies,&#8221; the Broncos said in a statement.

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Another key milestone will be a successful return to bondissuance. Christodoulou said NBG hoped to raise debt quite soon,with bilateral deals - agreed off-market between two parties -likely before wider market ones as the bank targets a borrowingrate of around 5 percent rather than the 7 percent currently onoffer.

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"I am satisfied with this first step. Now we have to see whether we can match our positive words with serious deeds so we can move forward," Zarif said after the meeting, according to Fars. "Of course as we move forward, there has to be removal of sanctions and in the end game there has to be a total lifting of all sanctions and both bilateral sanctions, unilateral sanctions as well as multilateral sanctions and U.N. sanctions and we hope to be able to move in that direction within a short span of time."

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“Although some will perceive this as a reaction to the coaching decision, nothing could be further from the truth,” Messier continued. “I completely respect the decision that was made and for all the reasons it was made. I harbor no hard feelings toward Glen or the Rangers. This is a personal choice I am making to create a program in the New York area that will give our children more choices and opportunities in the future. I wish the Rangers nothing but the best in the future.”

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Besides Gutierrez, other lawmakers include Reps. Joseph Crowley (D-NY), Mario Diaz-Balart (R-FL), Eric Cantor, (R-VA) and who is House Majority Leader, Charlie Rangel (D-NY) as well as former U.S. Commerce Secretary Carlos Gutierrez, who served under President George W. Bush.

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Kismayo is important for Kenya, which seeks a friendly buffer zone near its border with Somalia — one of the main reasons it sent troops to Somalia in late 2011 to fight the rebels of al-Shabab, Islamic extremists linked to al-Qaida. But the rival militias now at war there appear to be interested in the economic engine of Kismayo. Its port generates large and reliable income, and has been the export point of Somali-made charcoal that the U.N. has deemed illegal.

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That’s Cousin Yuri, as in the person A-Rod identified in 2009 as having provided him with performance-enhancing drugs when he was with the Rangers. Sources told the Daily News that it is believed Cousin Yuri introduced many of the players named in the documents to Bosch.

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The figures, which come from the 2011 census, dispel many of the stereotypes that exist about the prevalence of unskilled immigrants. The release of the statistics comes after a recent OECD analysis which said that immigrants put more into the public purses of Western nations than they take out.

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The European Space Agency (ESA) is conducting a feasibility study on sending snake robots to space. Using the legless reptile as a physical model, the researchers at the SINTEF Research Institute in Norway and at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology are plotting a way to utilize robotic versions of the beast to explore the various nooks and crannies of Mars.

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The compounding effect rapidly whittles away the equity in the property. At the worst rates, rolling over the interest each year will double the original debt in a decade. Crucially, the debt grows more slowly on newer deals, which now cost 5.35pc on average, down from 6.55pc three years ago. By contrast, someone who took equity release in 2007 could be paying as much as 7.86pc. In the worst cases, borrowers who took a Northern Rock or Norwich Union policy more than a decade ago are paying 8.25pc.

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In Canada, there are human milk banks that screen and pasteurize donated milk for preterm and high-risk infants in Vancouver, Calgary and Ontario. Quebec is also planning a bank, said Dr. Sharon Unger, medical director of the Rogers Hixon Ontario Human Milk Bank.

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Some analysts said this joint venture was the reason for the buying, but the collaboration in a niche aerospace product was announced prior to the open of trading, and activity in Alcoa shares did not pick up until the last two hours of trading. More than 58 million shares traded in the last two hours, according to Thomson Reuters data.

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Damon was a key cog in the Bombers’ six-game series against Philadelphia in that ’09 Fall Classic. Rodriguez admitted to using banned substances during the Yankees’ spring training four years ago, but said his use was limited to the three seasons he played for Texas (2001-03).

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“And every time Europe is back in the spotlight, their hostility towards it – this negative reaction to all things continental – drowns out the other voices in this debate.” Acknowledging that a public vote is now inevitable, he will say: “We are no longer asking if Britain will have a referendum on continued membership, we are asking when Britain will have a referendum on continued membership.”

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Despite its name this group of 46 species, found mainly in Australia and New Guinea, has no close relationship with the two much-loved &lsquo;robins&rsquo; of Europe and North America, which are members of the chat and thrush families respectively. Their southern counterparts exhibit many of the same characteristics &minus; the round-bodied, large-headed shape, liquid dark eyes, rather lethargic perch-and-pounce forage strategy and insect diet, as well as plumages that are equally bright and often red &minus; but these shared attributes are a result of convergent evolution rather than common ancestry.

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Al Qaeda warned us this would happen. Last summer the leader of Al Qaeda in Iraq, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, in an online audio statement said that his militants were rebuilding the strongholds once cleared by U.S. forces. "I bring you good news,&rdquo; he said. &ldquo;We are starting a new phase in our struggle with a plan we named `Breaking the walls,&#39; and we remind you of your priority to free the Muslim prisoners."

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First there needs to be an iron-clad agreement, either by Syria joining the Chemical Weapons Convention, but more likely in the form of a U.N. Security Council agreement, in which Damascus relinquishes control of the weapons.

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The vote also highlighted a growing divide between Congress and the Obama administration on Iran policy ahead of talks on the nuclear program in coming months. Iran insists the nuclear program is purely for civilian purposes.

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Next up for ULA at the Cape: The Sept. 25 launch of an Atlas V rocket with an Advanced Extremely High Frequency military communications satellite. The spacecraft is the third of four being built by Lockheed Martin under an Air Force contract.

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Territory and power in Bosnia is split between the country&#8217;s Serbs, Croats and Bosniaks. No mention of the significant Jewish or Roma populations who in the census fall under the category, &#8220;other&#8221;.

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The third motive behind the Silk Road push is to erase Russian and American influence in what China views as its backyard. To do this, China has been willing to spend big. Since 2002 China’s trade with the region has grown from roughly $1 billion to more than $28 billion in 2010 — almost twice Russia’s total that year. Today, China is the pre-eminent economic force in Central Asia.

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"This transmission event provides an opportunity for enhancing rabies awareness and recognition and highlights the need for a modified approach to organ donor screening and recipient monitoring for infectious encephalitis," the authors wrote.

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"An adequate supply of diapers may prove to be a tangible way of reducing parental stress and increasing parenting sense of competency, enabling parents to be more sensitive with their children, and thereby improving parenting quality and overall child outcomes," they wrote.

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For the rest of the day, residents were encouraged to volunteer for community projects ranging from painting at a church to tending a community garden, from sorting food bank donations to donating blood.

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The ICGP stressed that GPs have the potential to take hundreds of thousands of patients out of the hospital system, saving significant amounts of money and alleviating pressure on hospitals, but they needed adequate reosurces to do this.

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“I’m 73 years old,” he added. “I really don’t envision that (being commissioner) happening based on the fact that Bud has been there for 20-plus years, and I think when the owners decide on who the commissioner is going to be, they have to think long-term.

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The peak of the Perseids is Sunday, Aug. 11, through Tuesday, Aug. 13. The best viewing is expected to be early Monday and early Tuesday — after the moon sets (midnight to 1 a.m., depending on which day) and before the sky grows light with approaching dawn.

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The stabbing of 34-year-old Pavlos Fissas prompted a wide crackdown on Golden Dawn in a search for evidence linking it to the attack and also led to a shake-up of the police after allegations that party cells were operating within the force.

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Also yesterday, the CDC said its tally of recent cyclosporiasis cases has reached 610, which is 9 more than noted in its previous update on Aug 22. Forty-three (7%) of 581 patients with available information were hospitalized. The tally of affected states remained at 22.

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Weiner said union officials will try to find common ground with the league on the length of the suspensions and how they will be publicized. Weiner said the union will ask that suspensions not be announced until after a grievance hearings that are likely to take place.

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A Waste Connections spokesman declined to comment. Apache Senior Vice President Sarah Teslik says the company turned to the courts mainly for a new legal perspective rather than to silence anyone. Teslik also says Apache often reaches out to shareholders to work things out directly.

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Californian Highway Patrol officials used the mobile alerts for the first time in the state one evening in August after two children went missing. Many people complained after they were woken by their phones buzzing and beeping.

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In June, new information about migratory patterns led to thererouting of three shipping lanes into the San Francisco Bay,but scientists say they need more information on the location ofwhales along the California coast.

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While the move by individual traders or trade teams does notyet threaten the validity of recognised metals benchmarks, it constitutes an unwelcome side-effect of rigorous legislationproposed by the EU on commodity benchmarks.

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Louis Dreyfus said in a statement it plans to ship its firstgrain cargo through the terminal in the coming months. Oncecompleted, in around August 2014, the terminal will have totalgrain storage capacity of about 240,000 tonnes.

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Sghou said the protesters numbered less than 10, even thoughthey represented around 300 people. Asked if there had been anytalks yet with government officials to end the demonstration, hesaid: "Nothing has appeared yet."

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The Chancellor must resist imposing additional financial or regulatory burdens on business. This would damage the Government&rsquo;s hard-won economic credibility, demonstrated by the economic recovery, higher inward investment and growing business confidence in the Conservatives&rsquo; electoral prospects.

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"We are thinking about entering the promising market in the Asia-Pacific region. We should find our niche here, we have every change of doing that," Putin told journalists in the far eastern town of Chita.

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Suffolk District Attorney Daniel Conley said investigators had matched DNA from a relative of DeSalvo to DNA found at the crime scene of 19-year-old Sullivan, found strangled in her Boston apartment after being sexually assaulted.

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Microsoft has cited inventory management as one of its biggest reasons for limiting routes to market for Surface. The complexities of stocking hardware and managing returns are significantly different from the issues faced around selling software, whether boxed or sold by license. But Microsoft isn’t handling those logistics exclusively itself – in fact, in most geographies, the company’s distribution partners have inventory of the Surface. They’re just being limited in to whom they can sell the tablet. Those distributors, of course, provide exactly the kind of logistics abilities and experience that Microsoft seems to be seeking to develop around Surface. And for their part, they seem to be champing at the bit to get Surface into the broader channel community.

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Despite his absence, Bernanke very likely will be at the center of the chatter on the sidelines of the conference, as attendees ponder who will replace him when his term expires. U.S. President Barack Obama has said both Yellen and his former economic adviser Lawrence Summers are top candidates for the job, and he will make up his mind in the fall. Summers is also not attending.

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The bank also detailed for the first time the size of the damages it may have to pay to the U.S. Federal Housing Finance Agency, regulator for mortgage-finance firms Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, over allegations it improperly sold mortgage bonds to the bailed-out companies between 2005 and 2008. The FHFA filed suits against a group of banks in 2011 alleging they misrepresented the quality of mortgages packaged into bonds.

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Joseph Kvedar, M.D., is the Founder and director of the Center for Connected Health, part of Boston- based Partners HealthCare. An author and frequent lecturer, Kvedar also serves as a board member for the Continua Health Alliance and the Care Continuum Alliance. He is a co-founder of Healthrageous and chair of the company&#39;s scientific advisory board, a strategic advisor at Physic Ventures, and serves as a mentor at Blueprint Health and Rock Health.

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Aon Hewitt says other participants in its program include retailer Sears Holding Corp and Darden Restaurants Inc. These new additions raise enrollment to 330,000 from 100,000 last year, and Aon Hewitt estimates enrollment will jump to 600,000 next year, a fivefold increase from 2012.

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Better hiring has started to boost inflation-adjusted incomes after several years of stagnant wages. Joe Carson, chief U.S. economist at AllianceBernstein, a mutual fund company, calculates that average hourly pay rose at a 3.1 percent annual rate in the second quarter, the fastest pace since the fourth quarter of 2008. That was comfortably ahead of inflation, at just 1 percent.

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&ldquo;Anyone who has been a judge will tell you a judge needs to hear both sides of a case,&rdquo; Robertson said during a hearing of the federal oversight board directed by Obama to scrutinize government surveillance.

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How can France and the United States strengthen each other in the future? Our victories in the 20th century will mean little if we do not carry our standards forward into the 21st. Yet in the absence of a global conflagration, this era will be defined more by rivalries than by enemies. We must concentrate not on achieving victory, but on attaining success. This requires a constant focus on our competitiveness, in the broadest sense: social and economic, political and military, public-sector and private-sector.

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In the Greek capital Athens, where almost half the country’s 11 million people live, there is a 500,000-strong Muslim community, mostly immigrants from Asia, Africa and eastern Europe. Many of those are faithful and want to express their faith by praying in an appropriate place. Well, there is no such place &#8211; there isn&#8217;t a single “official” mosque in the wider area of the Greek capital.

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-- The day before Kato’s resignation, another prominent Japanese “baseball person,” Nintendo titan Hiroshi Yamauchi, owner of the Mariners, passed away at age 85. In 1992, Yamauchi had to overcome opposition from Commissioner Fay Vincent (who had questions about foreign ownership) to purchase the Mariners. At the time, the Mariners had been unable to find a buyer willing to keep the team in Seattle, which is where Nintendo’s U.S. headquarters is located. In the 22 years he owned the team, however, Yamauchi never once saw the Mariners play in person — even last year when they opened the season in Japan against the A’s. Yamauchi’s death further clouds an uncertain winter for the Mariners in which the jobs of GM Jack Zduriencik and president Chuck Armstrong, not to mention manager Eric Wedge, are all said to be in jeopardy. Already there is speculation the team will now be put up for sale.

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The frustration has been building at Ferrari over the last four years, after Alonso narrowly missed out on the title in both 2010 and 2012. Domenicali admitted at the Italian Grand Prix last weekend that the experience of last season, when Vettel hauled in a 39-point deficit, "is still burning for us".

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Yes, I love it! http://pornxvideos.site/ wwwxvideos Changes in election law and increasing ethnic diversity inthe state also served to moderate the actions of many in theRepublican caucus, some of whom represent rural districts thathave growing Latino populations.

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Zapsal: kQreooBkSNVDSCb, 03:51:07 28.04.2020
WSF Liblar ladies
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Zapsal: p.re.s.ti.gio2.02.0.s.up.er.y@gmail.com , 12:17:23 25.12.2020
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Zapsal: pr.esti.gio2.0.20.sup.e.ry@gmail.com , 08:21:42 26.12.2020
Team Rookies
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Zapsal: mer.neum.i.n.ez@gmail.com , 07:50:53 27.12.2020
Kanu Polo Zürich
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Zapsal: l.uk.ino.vich.2.020.13@gmail.com , 21:28:34 27.12.2020
Keistad A
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Zapsal: me.r.n.e.um.i.n.ez@gmail.com , 04:36:07 28.12.2020
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Zapsal: li.de.rp.r.o.mo.20.15s.up.e.r@gmail.com , 21:47:45 28.12.2020
SCI Cagliari
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Zapsal: pl.e.n.k.i.sfi.l.m.b.y@gmail.com , 02:40:52 30.12.2020
Pheonix kayak club
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Zapsal: m.er.n.e.u.m.in.e.z@gmail.com , 03:58:58 30.12.2020
Oriental , O r T
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Zapsal: b.o.ri.s198.0s.e.ceno.v@gmail.com , 20:05:41 30.12.2020
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Zapsal: gor.s.ec1.9.80r.u.s.e.rv@gmail.com , 15:54:10 06.01.2021
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Bćrum KK
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Zapsal: shk.utk.o.s.e.rgey.iv.a.novi.ch.t.h.e@gmail.com , 05:21:20 15.01.2021
Frederiksberg KK
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Zapsal: kri.c.z.i.k.o.v.ayas.ve.t.l.an.a@gmail.com , 00:08:07 17.01.2021
<!-- -->
Zapsal: sk.u.t.e.n.k.oi.va.n.the.b.e.styes@gmail.com , 12:21:02 18.01.2021
Texas Tornados
<!-- -->
Zapsal: p.re.st.i.g.i.o20.20su.p.er.y@gmail.com , 21:35:38 18.01.2021
Old timers
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Zapsal: g.o.r.se.c.19.80.r.u.serv@gmail.com , 15:09:41 19.01.2021
University of malaya
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Zapsal: lu.k.i.no.v.ich. , 07:01:35 20.01.2021
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Zapsal: ir.c.zenk.o.s.vet.la.n.as.2.030@gmail.com , 12:40:36 20.01.2021
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Zapsal: j o k e r 1 9 7 8 q e w @ g m a i l . c o m, 22:27:43 20.01.2021
Kanu Polo Zürich
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Decines france
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Zapsal: ple.nk.i.s.f.i.lm.by@gmail.com , 02:15:19 22.01.2021
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Zapsal: ev.asto.g.odu.k.l.ovelif.e@gmail.com , 03:20:57 24.01.2021
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Zapsal: s.e.me.c.ze.n.kodav.idbig.man@gmail.com , 21:27:26 25.01.2021
Terengganu team
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Zapsal: pl.enkis.f.ilmb.y@gmail.com , 00:08:12 31.01.2021
<!-- -->
Zapsal: buren.i.ece.na.20.2.0ok@gmail.com , 03:04:42 02.02.2021
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Zapsal: j o l e n e s i k e s @ b i g s t r i n g . c o m, 19:05:49 02.02.2021
South African
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Zapsal: p.uti.l.oiva.n7.3.567.81.2.3@gmail.com , 03:06:09 04.02.2021
Setubal Canoe Club
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Zapsal: w.a.keji.n.sh.ii@gmail.com , 11:34:37 05.02.2021
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Zapsal: wa.ke.jin.sh.ii@gmail.com , 21:51:06 07.02.2021
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Zapsal: a d e l l s h e r l o c k @ a o l . c o m, 14:43:50 08.02.2021
UCLA Kayak Polo Club
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Zapsal: wakejin.shii@gmail.com , 14:40:16 11.02.2021
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Zapsal: m.e.rn.eu.mi.n.ez@gmail.com , 19:02:41 11.02.2021
Michiel de Ruyter
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Zapsal: u.ser.zal.e.vsk.ij.a2.2201@gmail.com , 13:14:04 12.02.2021
Newcastle University
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Zapsal: wa.ke.jin.sh.i.i@gmail.com , 19:31:13 13.02.2021
Malaysia team
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Zapsal: u.ser.z.ale.v.s.ki.j.a. , 19:12:17 14.02.2021
UCLA Canoe Polo
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Zapsal: m.er.neu.m.i.nez@gmail.com , 22:28:13 14.02.2021
Stege Roklub
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Zapsal: w.ak.e.jin.s.h.ii@gmail.com , 00:58:25 15.02.2021
Meidericher KC
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Zapsal: m.e.rne.um.inez@gmail.com , 12:00:54 16.02.2021
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Zapsal: wak.e.jins.h.ii@gmail.com , 13:58:10 16.02.2021
<!-- -->
Zapsal: u.s.e.r.z.al.e.vs.ki.j.a.22201@gmail.com , 13:01:20 31.03.2021
RacingWeb Motorsport
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Zapsal: u.serza.le.v.skij.a22.20.1@gmail.com , 04:33:45 01.04.2021
Brian Boru Killaloe
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Zapsal: u.se.r.z.al.e.vsk.i.j.a.22.201@gmail.com , 19:21:50 01.04.2021
<!-- -->
Zapsal: p.ut.il.o.iva.n.735. , 23:01:40 13.04.2021
Rothe Mühle Essen
<!-- -->
Zapsal: p.u.t.i.loi.van.7.35678123@gmail.com , 18:51:23 14.04.2021
Göttiner PC Germany
<!-- -->
Zapsal: l.uki.nov.ic.h.202.013@gmail.com , 08:02:31 15.04.2021
St omer
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Zapsal: luk.i.n.o.v.i.c.h20201.3@gmail.com , 00:58:17 16.04.2021
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Zapsal: pr.ime.gr.a.n.it. , 04:22:17 16.04.2021
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Zapsal: lukin.o.v.ic.h. , 17:36:27 16.04.2021
Street Use Only
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Zapsal: p.r.ime.gr.a.ni.t20.1.9@gmail.com , 21:01:32 16.04.2021
Rijnland B
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Zapsal: l.u.kino.vic.h.202.01.3@gmail.com , 09:57:02 17.04.2021
Bere forest youth
<!-- -->
Zapsal: prime.g.rani.t.201.9@gmail.com , 13:14:42 17.04.2021
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Zapsal: a.qu.a.burse.rv.i.ce.20.2.1@gmail.com , 14:09:27 17.04.2021
Tampereen Vihuri Ry
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Zapsal: aq.ua.b.u.rse.rvi.ce2.021@gmail.com , 08:48:47 18.04.2021
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Zapsal: g.o.r.s.e.c.1.98.0r.u.s.e.rv@gmail.com , 12:50:08 18.04.2021
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Zapsal: gors.ec19.80r.u.serv@gmail.com , 08:45:44 19.04.2021
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Zapsal: l.uki.n.ov.i.ch. , 15:35:35 28.04.2021
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Zapsal: l.uk.i.n.ov.i.c.h202.01.3@gmail.com , 16:56:10 28.04.2021
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Zapsal: l.uki.n.o.vich.2020.1.3@gmail.com , 20:01:54 28.04.2021
Red Tide
<!-- -->
Zapsal: l.uk.i.no.vi.c.h.2.02013@gmail.com , 02:24:44 30.04.2021
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Zapsal: lu.ki.n.o.vich.20.20.13@gmail.com , 12:31:55 30.04.2021
Săo Polo
<!-- -->
Zapsal: lukin.o.v.i.c.h. , 15:19:55 08.08.2021
RJC Sea Sports Club
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Zapsal: luk.i.n.o.vi.c.h2020.1.3@gmail.com , 04:25:00 09.08.2021
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Zapsal: oziniptren@elhida.com, 15:52:59 17.08.2021
The wombats
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Zapsal: vik.a.servi.ce.20.2021@gmail.com , 14:44:16 22.08.2021
Bristol Uni
<!-- -->
Zapsal: vikase.r.v.ic.e.20.2021@gmail.com , 12:39:21 23.08.2021
<!-- -->
Zapsal: g.o.r.se.c1.980r.u.se.rv@gmail.com , 23:49:18 23.08.2021
San Francisco
<!-- -->
Zapsal: go.r.s.ec.1.98.0.r.u.serv@gmail.com , 19:56:08 24.08.2021
UCLA Canoe Polo
<!-- -->
Zapsal: c.vet.a.z.z.z5.9@gmail.com , 22:02:01 24.08.2021
Great Britain
<!-- -->
Zapsal: gorsec1.9.8.0.r.us.er.v@gmail.com , 15:47:44 25.08.2021
Irish National Coach
<!-- -->
Zapsal: c.vetaz.z.z5.9@gmail.com , 09:18:49 26.08.2021
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Zapsal: cv.e.taz.z.z59@gmail.com , 22:04:15 27.08.2021
Old timers
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Zapsal: c.v.eta.z.z.z.59@gmail.com , 22:39:20 28.08.2021
Rothe Mühle Essen
<!-- -->
Zapsal: c.vetazzz.59@gmail.com , 15:22:29 29.08.2021
Limerick Canoe Club
<!-- -->
Zapsal: c.ve.ta.z.z.z.5.9@gmail.com , 15:18:02 31.08.2021
Gekko Gent
<!-- -->
Zapsal: c.v.e.t.az.zz.59@gmail.com , 22:53:02 06.09.2021
KG Wanderfalke
<!-- -->
Zapsal: c.v.eta.z.zz5.9@gmail.com , 15:20:08 07.09.2021
Kanoclub Zeeland
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Zapsal: ia.mny.as.h.k.a.lol@gmail.com , 01:36:05 08.09.2021
<!-- -->
Zapsal: c.ve.taz.zz.59@gmail.com , 05:34:56 08.09.2021
Frederiksberg KK
<!-- -->
Zapsal: i.a.mnyashk.a.l.ol@gmail.com , 16:32:34 09.09.2021
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Zapsal: i.am.n.y.as.hkalo.l@gmail.com , 22:32:19 10.09.2021
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Zapsal: b r a d f o r d r o d i u s @ i n b o x . c o m, 19:37:08 13.09.2021
_____ ___ _____ _____________ ______
<!-- -->
Zapsal: d a n i e l f r a w l e y @ g m a i l . c o m, 06:52:40 19.09.2021
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Zapsal: cv.et.a.zz.z.5.9@gmail.com , 18:17:02 19.09.2021
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Zapsal: t r a c e e m u l l a w i r r a b u r k a @ g o o g l e m a i l . c o m, 08:47:39 22.09.2021
Irish National Coach
<!-- -->
Zapsal: g.or.s.ec1.98.0ru.se.rv@gmail.com , 16:51:41 22.09.2021
KCNW Berlin
<!-- -->
Zapsal: go.rs.e.c19.80.rus.er.v@gmail.com , 09:00:21 23.09.2021
______ _______ ______ _____ _ ______
<!-- -->
Zapsal: s h e r l y n b e t z @ l i v e . d e, 11:33:01 26.09.2021
Kanoclub Zeeland
<!-- -->
Zapsal: vi.k.as.ervic.e2.020.2.1@gmail.com , 21:58:41 29.09.2021
Brian Boru Killaloe
<!-- -->
Zapsal: su.p.e.r.vi.so.r2.0.15.i.nvino@gmail.com , 22:31:22 29.09.2021
<!-- -->
Zapsal: vi.k.a.s.e.rvic.e2.0.202.1@gmail.com , 09:36:58 30.09.2021
Banba, Ireland
<!-- -->
Zapsal: su.per.vi.so.r20.1.5.i.nvi.no@gmail.com , 19:33:26 30.09.2021
Canada U21 Mens
<!-- -->
Zapsal: v.ik.as.e.r.vic.e. , 04:55:15 01.10.2021
<!-- -->
Zapsal: s.u.perv.i.s.o.r.201.5i.n.vin.o@gmail.com , 09:51:21 01.10.2021
<!-- -->
Zapsal: vikas.e.rv.i.ce. , 19:22:21 01.10.2021
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<!-- -->
Zapsal: m a d d i s o n . g r e g o r i o @ w e b . d e, 04:31:40 05.10.2021
________ _____ _____ __ __________ __________ ____ ____ _________
<!-- -->
Zapsal: r e f u g i a . c r o c k e r @ g m a i l . c o m, 15:36:47 18.10.2021
KG Wanderfalke Essen
<!-- -->
Zapsal: 26.12su.p.e.rserv.i.s2.021@gmail.com , 20:13:40 01.11.2021
<!-- -->
Zapsal: 26.1.2s.upers.e.rv.is20.2.1@gmail.com , 10:29:40 02.11.2021
Kanoclub Zeeland
<!-- -->
Zapsal: , 02:04:41 03.11.2021
Rubber Duckies
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Zapsal: 2.61.2supe.rs.e.rv.is. , 15:05:33 03.11.2021
Zwetplassers A
<!-- -->
Zapsal: g.or.sec.1.98.0.r.u.serv@gmail.com , 00:22:26 09.11.2021
St.Albans, GB
<!-- -->
Zapsal: go.r.sec19.80r.us.erv@gmail.com , 16:04:03 09.11.2021
<!-- -->
Zapsal: g.or.s.e.c1.980r.u.s.er.v@gmail.com , 08:49:38 10.11.2021
<!-- -->
Zapsal: aquabu.rs.e.r.vic.e.2.0.21@gmail.com , 02:56:40 11.11.2021
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Zapsal: g.or.s.ec1.98.0.r.u.se.rv@gmail.com , 05:01:01 11.11.2021
<!-- -->
Zapsal: aq.u.a.bu.r.s.e.r.v.i.ce.2.021@gmail.com , 21:08:19 11.11.2021
<!-- -->
Zapsal: go.r.s.e.c.1.9.80ru.s.er.v@gmail.com , 22:47:51 11.11.2021
University Mainz
<!-- -->
Zapsal: go.r.se.c1.9.80r.us.er.v@gmail.com , 01:29:51 17.11.2021
Bere forest youth
<!-- -->
Zapsal: g.or.s.e.c1.9.8.0ru.s.er.v@gmail.com , 22:52:37 17.11.2021
Habe noch keins
<!-- -->
Zapsal: s.u.p.e.rv.i.s.o.r2.01.5in.vin.o@gmail.com , 16:37:58 18.11.2021
Habe noch keins
<!-- -->
Zapsal: s.uper.vi.so.r. , 16:41:26 19.11.2021
<!-- -->
Zapsal: su.perviso.r.2.01.5.i.nv.in.o@gmail.com , 17:48:59 20.11.2021
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Zapsal: c h a r l i n e . f r i t h @ f r e e n e t . d e, 13:19:49 22.11.2021

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Všechny cesty (179245)
Top cesty v ČR
Top bouldery v ČR
Nejnovější cesty:
Mám Jednu Ruku Dlouhou VII Skály V Kočičině A Vrbodole
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Diretissima 8/8+ Bořeň
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nadpisy... | Re: Nikde nic | Re: Nikde nic | Re: Nikde nic | Re: Nikde nic | Re: Nikde nic | Re: Nikde nic | Re: Nikde nic | Re: Nikde nic | Re: Nikde nic |

 Kde to vře:
Video: Seb Bouin a Alain Robert lezou solo na mrakodrap v Paříži (22)
Will Bosi přelezl boulder Spots of Time a potvrdil klasu 9A (18)
MČR v rychlolezení (16)
Film: Adam Ondra a nejtěžší cesta Vysokých Tater Corona 10+/11- (15)
Secret Spot Bouldering 2024 pozvánka (12)
Ukrajinský top lezec Maksym Petrenko padl při obraně Ukrajiny (12)
MČR v bouldru vyhráli Lukáš Mokroluský a Michaela Smetanová (5)
Expedice Máry Holečka na Langtang Lirung se chystá do stěny (4)
Marjan (4)
Adam Ondra dal cestu Corona 10+/11- na Jastrabiu vežu v Tatrách (3)

 Nově v inzerci:
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