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Secret Spot Bouldering 2024 (19.10)
MČR v bouldru (19.10)
Boulder OPEN 2020 LA SKALA (26.10)

1.Ondra 13491
2.Šindel 12475
3.Votoček 12318
1.Konečný 11275
2.Stráník 11056
3.Volf 10962
1.Groš 7777
2.Rojko 7436
3.Skopec 7324

MČR rychlolezení (13.10)
SP Praha (20.09)
EP obtížnost Bologna (14.09)

5667 lezců
1140181 cest
Nové přelezy:
Directa Co 8c
Geografia 7c
Výstřik Do 9+
206 9-
Příště To 7C+/8A
J´Ai Toujo 7c+
1.20 € Var 8a
Ofthalmopa 7c+
To Pantheo 8a+
Orgi Nerou 8a

Lezecké centrum SmíchOFF - Praha 5
V 16 - Plzeň
Boulder Bar - Praha 7

Rock Point OC Olympia - Brno
Outdoor Centrum Rock Point Perštýn - Praha 1
Rock Point Plzeň Americká - Plzeň


Mladí vítězili v Bulharsku na EP

závody juniorů

Dvě první místa a celkem čtyři medaile si odvezli čeští juniorští reprezentanti ze závodu Evropského poháru juniorů v lezení, který se konal tuto sobotu a neděli v bulharském městě Veliko Tarnovo. První místo získal patnáctiletý Libor Hroza v lezení na rychlost a stejně stará Tereza Kysilková obsadila první příčku v lezení na obtížnost v kategorii dorostenek.

Informace z esemesek vedoucího družstva juniorů Tomáše Kysilky tlumočil šéf komise závodního lezení Slávek Vomáčko.

V nejstarší kategorii juniorek uspěla v lezení na obtížnost osmnáctiletá Soňa Hnízdilová druhým místem. Na třetím místě v lezení na obtížnost skončil v dorostencích čtrnáctiletý Štěpán Stráník a na čtvrtém stejně starý Pavel Solanský.

Stěna i závody byly podle informací Slávka perfektně připravené, organizace evropského poháru byla na vrcholové úrovni.

Standa   [úpravy] 22:20 10.11.2002Tisk 


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 hroza senior
To se asi starej hroza nafukuje a minimalne 2 krat pres vikend prask. Ale vazne blahopreju a vsem ostatnim taky.
ps. A neprestavej tlacit na pilu treba se ti neco podari protlacit v ty juniorce
Zapsal: david, 01:22:14 11.11.2002
Na jedným článku je napsaný že hrozu diskli a tady zase že byl na beně-nechápu to
Zapsal: radka, 15:57:19 17.11.2002
Well done EYC, a positive step that hlopfuley will usher the wind of change seen elsewhere to Eritrea.My one cent worth of comment is as follows;The purpose of this initiative is build confidence on our demoralised people or to just break the shackles of fear that is making us Eritrean timid. This is bound to be worked on in stages and to be successful and lasting EYC need to properly assess the main three diving components. I believe there are:1. Communication,2. The Protest3. Publicity. The above three need to intensify with time and should feed on each other in synchrony so there become cyclical as they intensify.CommunicationI have noticed that in Eritrea the most effective communication tool is yahoo messenger. Yahoo also gives the sense of security compared to email or phone communication. Another mean of passing the message is existing chat rooms in popular sites like EastAfro where many visit to check the latest comedy or TV programs. There is potential that if the movement gains popularity, the government will take steps to curtail the already weak connection.But then having a visible reaction is also a show that opposition is getting due consideration by DIA, thus a sign of effectiveness of the action takenShould the government react, it will important that the TV or radio programmes that the opposition air are used to keep the communication going. As this progresses, documentaries may be made for international consumption…..this will open up a different level to disseminate information to Eritrea.The ProtestThe suggested protest has the advantage of giving the space to plan and recruit Diaspora activist, but staying at home does not help the person in action to know if the suggested action has been effective. When EYC is ready to switch gear on the protect I suggest a Protest by Attendance. Instead of staying home, congregating in a place is more effective to build the confidence required and this can be under the guise of a certain routine activity. Let me through few “routine activities”a.Prayer – Typically Muslims would be called to congregate in the Jame Mosque on a Friday, instead of using a local mosque an this will bring a turout more than the usual sending signal to the protesters that their comrade in action are the reason for the swell. Similarly, DaMariam and Catedrale would be used specifically on Sunday sending the same message to the congregation.b.Market – A specific place of market may be declared as the place and this has the advantage of inviting all participant at the same place rather than point a. Overcrowding a busy market is sure to cause traffic congestion and get help with the publicity.The above idea is based on what a Saudi academic (I can’t recall his name) living in London broadcast his chat channel and communicates with Saudis living in the Kingdom and organizes such protest by congregation.PublicityThe publicity is what will fuel further protests and this should be done using all the medium available at your disposal. The use of landline and mobile requires a bit of caution as you don’t want to discourage potential participant from early stages. I admit I have no clue on the capacity of the government to monitor, but they do listen in to conversation, so EYC should not take a step that requires covert response from the government to nib this attempt in the bud. If the government is to react, that reaction has to be visible so they think twice before acting and if they do you have something to gain.To conclude, your action coupled with that of the rest of opposition when is taken as being complimentary and we all have focus, on removing the dictator, the dawn of change will be sooner than we anticipate.Keep up the good work!
Zapsal: GXmPInrmPgRGWx, 09:17:57 23.08.2012
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Zapsal: TsjVRxErDhXm, 23:17:47 05.06.2013
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Zapsal: pPHBDmLwj, 13:39:59 20.12.2013
MQutoI Very neat article.Thanks Again. Cool.
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Skalní město 6C
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Příště To Zalepím :) 7C+/8A Tisá - Modřín
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Tesoro Mio 7+ Geyikbayiri
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druhý konec lana | Batoh Deuter Aircontact 65+10l | Z teplem | Hledám děvče do skal | koupím Zlagboard | Kalhoty MONTURA SKI STYLE PANTS Man vel.L | Nepromokavá bunda The North Face vel.L | Nové lezečky Scarpa Instinct VSR vel. 43,5 | Srbsko | boulder pytel EVOLV |

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 Sociální sítě pro sdílení a inspiraci 
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 Aplikace pro evidenci a sdílení výstupů 

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