Elie Chevieux is alive! 2004-05-14
We got a new wonderful email from 8a.nu member Steve Amstutz:
"I have wonderful news. Elie Chevieux is alive. He just called is mother. The informations we have got from the Foreign Affairs Department were wrong. A swiss passport were found on the dead body and a misunderstood was done. I had a discussion with Elie's friends and he is fine, he is right now in Pakistan.
Good news for all of us, but we must not forget that two people were killed."
This news has been all over the world and his father has been interviewed in newspapers etc. In this case, everything seems to have turned out to the best, but think about how Elie's family and friends must have felt... It's impossible to even begin to understand...
-- | 15:10:18 14.05.2004 | Uf, toz fajn. Rodice si to fakt museli zkousnout. | laco | odpovědět  |
  | Re: -- | 15:33:11 14.05.2004 | No, to se mi fakt ulevilo. Ten mrtvej z parku v Kábulu je nekdo jinej. Nejspis bez rodicu. | Rejpal | odpovědět  |
Skaly nehnutelne a skaly hnutelne | 07:31:18 18.05.2004 | Mo uz som si myslel, ze sa dalsiemu horolezcovi stala skala osudnou... ;) | Marek | odpovědět  |