Zdravím, s jednim USchlapíkem se nám podařilo prozkoumat a částečně zmapovat novou oblast v okolí Nechvalic u Sedlčan. Sám moc nelezu(jednou jsem to zkusil) a tak jsem popis nechal raději na něm. Takže, úvodní info je v ENG. Fotky dodám, počítám o víkendu, a těším se na shledání u nás v hospodě
http://nechvalickahospoda.spok.cz(neskrytá reklama)
Zdraví Kotalík restaurater - mimo jiné související článek
by Patrick Vernon,Colorado
Nechvalice Bouldering
The Bouldering around Nechvalice is on a generally solid granite rock that when cleaned off provides for quality climbing rock. I found these five areas over several cold months of wandering through the countryside with nothing better to do. The most concentrated bouldering areas lie along the road from Drazka to Chyshky. Four areas line this roadside, but must be accessed from different points. The hillside above Rashedice also provides about 20 good problems some of which are quite tough and may require a rope. The problems here tend to be steep. Husova Kazatelna is the smallest of the areas but is easily accessible and has a good difficult traverse as well as several slab problems. Many of the boulders still have to be cleaned, bring a brush and perhaps a broom to remove moss and loose rock.
Husova Kazatelna.
The main boulder here has a good right to left traverse that checks in at font 7a. Start low on the right and finish on some thin holds (the crux) and slapping on the left. There are several good slab problems off in the forest to the left, including a very good font 5c up the largest boulder.
Park at the end of the road in Radeshice and walk (south?) for 3/4 a kilometer along the dirt trail into the woods. Go straight uphill until several small cliffs come into view. The best problems here are on a very tall overhang. A right to left traverse goes at font 6c. Several very comitting but very good problems will go up the overhang once the top is cleaned off and loose holds removed. Uphill are several more cliffs with a variety of problems.
The first area along the road to Drazka is small with a limited selection of problems for the steep uphill hike. However two boulders, one of which must be cleaned provide some hard steep an technical problems.park about one kilometer past drazka and walk straight uphill looking for some small cliffs, one with a gentle 100 degree overhang.
Drive through Drazka and take the first right on a dirt road. As soon as the road bends left a hike uphill will bring you to several decent boulders with some technical problems on them. Drive about on kilometer uphill further and park. A quick hike uphill will produce more boulders in need of cleaning but with some good problems. Another short drive will bring you to some roadside boulders with a selection of technical problems. Finally when the road curves right a large boulder off to the left provides several excellent moderate comittting problems.
Drive thorugh Drazka towards Chysky about two kilometers. Park on the right, and walk into the woods on the right. Many steep varied problems in need of cleaning line the hillside for about a kilometer. THis probably has the most potential of any of the areas.