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Secret Spot Bouldering 2024 (19.10)

13."Fido" 11056
14.Širůčková 10978
15.Klapal 10927
13.Petrík 9800
14.Kučera 9800
15.Košťál 9775
30.Rak 2854
31.Homolka 2838
32.HKvdf 2832

SP Praha (20.09)
EP obtížnost Bologna (14.09)
Rock Master (14.09)

5658 lezců
1136054 cest
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Ján Aladin Xa
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Jenseits V 9
2-Eleven 9-
Sunsetboul 9-

Big Wall - Praha 9 - Vysočany
Boulder Bar - Praha 7
Lezecké centrum SmíchOFF - Praha 5

LANEX eshop - Bolatice
Outdoor Centrum Rock Point Masarykova - Brno
Outdoor Centrum Rock Point Perštýn - Praha 1


Expedice Teng Kang Poche

6.500 m

V úterý 1. října odlétá z Frankfurtu malá Česko - Slovenská Expedice Teng Kang Poche 2002.

Cílem skupiny tvořené Jarem Dutkou, Martinem Heugerem, Sašou Tolochem a Radkem  Lienerthem je prvovýstup Severovýchodním pilířem Teng Kang Poche 6.500 m v oblasti Nepálského Solo Khumbu.

Teng Kang Poche je nově otevřený expediční vrchol poprvé dostoupený z jihu letos na jaře francouskou expedicí. Více než 1.700 m vysoké SV srázy hory jsou doposud neprostoupené a nebyl v nich uskutečněn doposud žádný pokus.

V ideálním případě se chceme pokusit o dva prvovýstupy alpským stylem ve dvou dvojkách. Cílem dvojice Saša Toloch a Radek Lienerth je přelézt pokud možno celou cestu volně.

V oblasti expedice začne působit kolem 10. 10. a zpět do Evropy by se měla navrátit 7. 11.

Tato akce by se neuskutečnila bez podpory a pomoci některých firem a institucí, kterým bych chtěl za projevenou důvěru poděkovat - TREK SPORT, SINGING ROCK, ČHS, TRIOP, RAVELTIK

Náš tým:

Mgr. Radek Lienerth

-        věk 24 let

-        student PDS FSpS MU Brno

-        člen Horolezeckého oddílu Lokomotiva Brno

-        člen reprezentace ČHS od roku 1996

-        člen TREKSPORT teamu, SINGINGROCK teamu a TRIOP teamu

-        nejvýraznější výstupy:

Himálaj – Kongde ri Nup 6.035 m, prvovýstup Cheap wine, 8/A2, výstup roku 2001, vedoucí expedice (2001), Himálaj – Kongde ri Lho 6.192 m, prvovýstup JZ pilířem V/750 , vedoucí expedice (2000), Hindukush – prvovýstup na Chikari Tower 5.450 m, Černé kouzlo VI/750 , člen mezinárodní expedice (1999), Himálaj – Expedice Annapurna IV, dosažené výška 6.300 m, (1998)

Jaroslav Dutka (Slovensko)

-        věk 37 let

-        podnikatel

-        člen Horolezeckého klubu Trenčín

-        člen širšího výběru reprezentace IAMES

-        nejvýraznější výstupy:

Eiger Piolova Direttisima 7/A4 1997, Pravá Česká cesta – pokus (zima 1996), Himálaj – expedice Everest 1998 dosažená výška 7.500 m, Karakoram – expedice Great Trango Tower, prvovýstup „More Czech less Slovak route“ 7+/A2, výstup roku 1999 v ČR i SR, Prvovýstupy ve Vysokých Tatrách v zimních sezónách 2001,2002

Martin Heuger (Slovensko)

-  věk 33 let

-        člen představenstva společnosti Vertical průmyslové komíny a.s., strategický rozvoj a marketing

-        člen HO Filizof Bratislava, člen reprezentace SR od 1993

-        člen TREKSPORT teamu

-        nejvýraznější výstupy:

řada 1. sólo přelezů v létě i v zimě ve Vysokých Tatrách, JASTRABIA VEŽA prvovýstup Jetstream 6+ A3+ s Ivanom Štefanským, EIGER Direttissima Piola 7 A4 leto, PICCO LUIGI AMEDEO Elektošok 9 RK 1. Volné přelezení, EL CAPITAN Lost in America VI 5.10 A4, EL CAPITAN The Cosmos VI 5.10 A4, PERU RANRAPALCA 6125m Simpson route 4 led do 60°, PATAGONIA TORRE NORTE DEL PAINE Monzino route 6+A0, Mt. EVEREST S stěna - dosáhnutá výška 8 000m

Ing. Alexadr Toloch

-  věk 32 let

-        majitel poradenské firmy

-        člen Horolezeckého klubu Olomouc

-        nejvýraznější výstupy:

účastník expedic Nanda Devi, Shivling, USA EL Capitan, Kanada Bugaboo, Midnight Route 5.10/A3

Zoban   [úpravy] 08:38 24.09.2002Tisk 


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Nový komentář 

 Hodně zdaru
Pěknou sestavu máte, ale nějak mi tam chybí Honzík Doudlebský. Tak to pořádně přebušte ať máme mi při_zdi_sr... o čem číst:-)).
Zapsal: BB, 08:53:54 24.09.2002
To je dobře, že tentokrát Ducemu nerozmluvili účast tmavší spoluobčané. Tak to chlapi vylezte!
Zapsal: J. Novotný, 08:54:54 24.09.2002
Kdo ten vejlet zálne?
Opět Hororsvaz?

Berg Heil
Zapsal: Papouš, 15:01:31 24.09.2002
 OK Papouši, opět trefa do černého!
Taky by mě zajímalo, kdo to platí a také jestli třeba DAV přispívá některým členům na expedice. Nemělo by se o tom hlasovat na valných hromadách?
Zapsal: Bída, 15:34:41 24.09.2002
Tak nejak si myslim, ze na takovy akce by Svaz prispivat mel. Jakou merou a komu by melo byt dano pravidly odhlasovanymi VH.
Jinak ucastnikum hodne zdaru a stesti.
Zapsal: Maty, 16:01:55 24.09.2002
Na co by mel asi hororsvaz prispivat, pokud ne na takovehle akce? Na naky priblbly zavody? Nejlepe v boulderingu? Papousuv prispevek se nemel menovat "Money", ale "Zavist".
Zapsal: Magnusek, 16:23:45 24.09.2002
 Myslim že Papouš
rád tu díru v rozpočtu zatáhne, kvůli tomu se přece ptal, starostlivost o kamarády mě dojímá, co by pro Zobana neudělal, Musíme si pomáhat, no ne?
Zapsal: Špicál, 16:27:04 24.09.2002
Teda za 12 holi, to by bylo maglajzu! Zkusim se taky zeptat na CHS.
Zapsal: Honza Rejnok, 16:38:23 24.09.2002
Zoban odpověděl jasně a stručně.
ČHS přispěl tolik, loni např. BMC přispělo zhruba 5x tolik.

Re: Bída
Jak si takové hlasování VH asi představuješ? Zájemci si udělají projekty na 1,5 roku dopředu, ty předloží VH.
No a těch 100 lidiček, kteří to vidí poprvé v životě, vysoce kvalifikovaně posoudí předložených 50 žádostí a pěti z nich odhlasuje příspěvek. Cha, cha, cha.

Nevím jestli na VH jezdíš nebo ne, ale ono se tam o tom hlasuje. Hlasuje se o rozpočtu na příští rok, kde je nějaká globální částka na tyto akce. No a ještě předtím se schvaluje zpráva o tom, jak byly loni přidělené peníze rozděleny.
Delegátům se nelíbí rozdělení?
Ouha, sesadíme VV, který rozděloval a zvolíme jiné osvícenější hlavy - jak jednoduché. Oni si už dají větší pozor.
Tak kdo to chce dělat lépe?
Pardon, nikdo se nehlásí? Hmmm, tak co s tím uděláme.
To už je moje obehraná písnička.

Nebo chceš úplně zrušit dotace podobných akcí? Nic snažšího. Na VH předneseš jako řádný delegát návrh, řádně ho odůvodníš a VH ho schválí.

Cože, zasedají tam jen samé staré struktury, kterým jakákoliv změna nevoní? To je ale čistě v našich rukou, koho tam z oddílů vyšleme. Opakuji: čistě v našich rukou. Jestli tam z oddílů jedou ti, kteří se "nejméně brání", nebo ti, kteří už nelezou a tak jim není líto víkendu, tak je to ale zase jenom naše chyba.

A na závěr jen poznámka. V ČHS je cca 400 oddílů. Na VH se pravidelně sjíždí okolo 100 zástupců. Kde je ta mlčící většina?
Čímž nechci říci, že si myslím, že by 400 delegátů vyřešilo více. To je jenom vzkaz pro ty, kteří jen frfňají, jak to v tom (nějakém tam nahoře) ČHS nefunguje.

Martin Mellan
Zapsal: melloun, 16:39:42 24.09.2002
 Hodne zdaru2
Rozchazim se "trochu" se Zobanem ve videni sveta. Nejsem schopen zorganizovat a mozna ani vylizt to co tihle chlapici, ale preju jim (vam) hodne zdaru, zdravi, dobry pocasi, stesti a ty penize od CHS (platim prispevky) taky. Doufam ze tam Cesku a Slovensku i sobe udelate cest. A vy ostatni apeluju na vas. Seberte saky paky a vyjedte obcas do sveta. Videt neco novyho a snad nam i sobe vydobit respekt a zaslouzenou uctu. vylizt si ten svuj kopec nebo 8c+ (7a nebo jiny pismenka). Pokud tam jedete srat pod skaly, krast expresky nebo prekracovat lidi v nouzi tak hrom a laviny na vas.

Zapsal: datl@email.cz, 18:10:42 24.09.2002
Držim palce hoši. :-)
Zapsal: Ešus, 21:19:18 24.09.2002
 obehranej meloun
Meloune ty jsi opravdu obehranej.
Zapsal: jirka, 03:18:03 25.09.2002
 Hodně zdaru3
Pěknej kopec,pěknej pilíř....
Tak ať se vám zadaří a hlavně šťastnej návrat dolů, chlapi!!!
Zapsal: Kleboň, 08:25:22 25.09.2002
Melloune, mě jenom zajímá, jak to funguje. Nevím totiž, za co platím příspěvky a k čemu mi to je. V Tatrách jsem byl jednou, dobře sleva byla dobrá, takže se mi to trochu vrátilo. Ale nevím, proč bych měl mít průkazku ČHS kvůli nějakým zeleným kokotům. Ještě ji po mě nikdo nechtěl a tam, kam jezdím, ani chtít nebude. Už mi pomalu ale jistě přijde lepší a zatáhnout si alpinverein. Jezdíte-li do Alp a jinam do záp. Evropy, je to za ty prachy dost muziky. Kolik má v Čechách členů a kolik ČHS? Pro Magnuska: Závody jsou komerční záležitost a pokud se sami neuživí, měly by zaniknout. Pro Zobana: Fandím vám, ale určité věci mě prostě zajímají a když otázka krapet vyhrotí, většinou se ozve víc lidí.
Zapsal: Bída, 08:28:43 25.09.2002
Tak, ještě nž se zapojím do diskuse, tak popřeju: HODNĚ ŠTĚSTÍ! Ať Vám jsou Bohové naklonění, domorodci vstřícní, a monzum nechť nastává v termínech řádných - a radši se zpožděním než předstihem... A doufám, že to dáte. Vypadá to hezky!

A k diskusi o prášulkách: celkem vzato rozumím tomu dotazu. Každej nechť si platí své výlety sám. Na druhou stranu souhlasím s tím, že u určité skupiny lidí, u kterých je reálná naděje na úspěšnou akci, je na místě jistá (a tedy i třeba finanční) podpora. Předpokládám, že právě tuto skupinu a tuto akci ČHS dokázal podpořit i jinak (poskytl zázemí, pomohl ve vyjednávání, zajistil kontakty). A skutečně si myslím že to je na místě.
A konec-konců myslím si, že finanční podpora této akce je ze strany svazu spíše symbolická. Pokud tedy byla poskytnuta i podpora takříkajíc administrativní a logistická, je to v pořádku.

Ale zpět od této konkrétní akce! K diskusi o výletech, které ČHS finančně podporuje!
Takové výlety byly a jsou. Trošinku mi vadí, že nejsou nastavené jednoznačné laťky. Něco jako standardy. Přidělování těchto peněz stále vypadá nejen pro větší část členské základny, ale např. i pro delagáty VH, poněkud neprůhledné. Ono je totiž spíš nepřehledné. Nehledal bych v tom špatný úmysl, ale (teď budu oponovat mellounovi) Martine, vzpomeň si! O tom už přece VH jednala! Tak 98, 99, nevzpomenu si přesně. Dokonce se tam došlo k nějakým závěrům - např. že budou vypsány nějaké základní podmínky, na přidělení peněz bude vypsána soutěž a dokonce, že by se měl VV předložit nějaký projekt - a ten měl jít do další VH. A taky se hovořilo o jedné maličkosti: že by se peníze měly přidělovat jen úspěšným expedicím. Tedy po! Logika taková, že si lidi seženou prachy, vyjedou, a pokud budou úspěšní mohou požádat o příspěvek. Tím pádem si mnohem dřív našetří a naposhánějí na novou akci - tedy další motivační prvek pro repre. Nevím zda je to nejlepší nápad, ale právě proto to byly jen návhy. Nějak měly být dotaženy a ředloženy VV a posléze VH. No a pak to nějak usnulo...
Zapsal: Tomáš F., 12:41:30 25.09.2002
 Re: Tomáš F.
Fakt si nevzpomínám. Ale připouštím,že tomu tak bylo. A jestli ano, tak proč jsme si (jako delegáti VH) neohlídali splnění?
Asi bychom potřebovali taky vyměnit! ;-)

Ale vážně. Fakt si na to nepamatuju, ale jestli vzešlo z jednání usnesení, že by se měl udělat projekt jak dotovat, tak si myslím, že to usnulo proto, že VV nic smysluplnýho nevymyslel. Ale vymyslel nějaký model k projednání někdo z nás (delegáti VH potažmo každý člen ČHS)?

Použiju-li příměr s parlamentem....buď předkládá zákony vláda, nebo existuje tzv. poslanecká iniciativa.
Ono je myslím dost těžké zasednout v plénu, založit ruce a říci: "Hele VV, ten váš model dotací se nám nelíbí, vymyslete nějakej jinačí. My sice nevíme jaký, ale jinačí"

Ty příspěvky až po úspěchu se mně moc nelíbí. Jednak co je úspěch? Vrchol? RP průstup předem ohlášené trasy? Nebo i všichni členové expedice v posledním táboře? Nebo prvovýstup sousedním o dva stupně lehčím hřebenem, když to z nějakých důvodů po původní trase nešlo? Co je úspěšná expedice?
Nehledě na to, že to myslím tak ani v jiných sportech nechodí. Příspěvek po úspěchu je obdoba toho milionu co dostanou hokejisti po vyhraném šampionátu. Ale to o čem se tu mluví je (použiju-li stejný příměr) letenka, hotel a startovné. O to se tu jedná. Nevím o tom, že by si to někde platili ze svého a jen když se postaví na bednu, tak jim to svaz zaplatí, jinak si to hradí sami.
Zapsal: melloun, 10:53:58 26.09.2002
 Re: T.Frank - Rozdělování
Ahoj Tomáši,
probíráš tady věc, která letos proběhla. VV v půlce května vypsal grant na podporu výstupů, sešlo se 8 projektů, nezávislí hodnotitelé vybrali 3 nejlepší a podle toho, kolik bodů od nich který projekt dostal, se rozdělily grantové peníze.
40 procent peněz se dává předem a zbytek až po návratu s úspěšně vylezeným kopcem.
Celá akce je publikovaná na serveru ČHS, rubrika Členský servis - Infomace.
Rozdělovaly se peníze, které přišly nad rámec rozpočtu za Sazky, doufám, že se příští rok povede tímhle způsobem rozdělit větší díl z rozpočtu než letos, kdy to byl pokusný balónek.
Zapsal: HoBl, 20:45:47 01.10.2002
Sorry I don't understand slovack. Could anyone tell me what was the outcome of this expedition and what route was tried? Thanks!
Zapsal: Maïon, 10:29:02 17.09.2003
The next post monson we likes go to climb the kwando lho, please is posible you send me more info about this mountain,

Thank you
Zapsal: Jordi, 23:16:43 10.11.2003
 Zelení kokoti
Pro dotyčného co si nevidí do huby. Napiš kam jezdíš a uvidíš:-) Vůbec si nEvážíš toho co ČHS dělá pro povolení lezení. Já jsem rád že se pod nástup nebrodím sutí a jsou tam nějáké schody a občas značka a hlavně že se tam může...
Jdu si průkazku zaplatit a docela přemýšlím že udělám někde naučnou stezku a ke Stráži přírody se přidám. Chytlili mě asi 6x a pokutu jsem dostal symbolickou 1x když jsem spolu s dalšími 10 lidmi chrupkal v Čertově rokli.
No doufám že Tě kokoti chytí a přeji správní řízení a 20000,- nebo spíše kamenem do hlavy.

Jinak chlapy přeji mnoho zdaru....

Češi Jsou strašný socky pro 400,- ročně si raději budou vrtat koleno:-) Co jsou to dneska 400,- jedna karabina. 12 piv 12 litrů benzínu.. jedna cesta vlakem. Je to směšné:-(

Ještě poznámka.. po 95% cest co lezeš dělali členové a ČHS z části přispívá na nové cesty.
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We already touched on Philadelphia&rsquo;s day, with Foles excelling in place of Michael Vick. In Dallas, the Cowboys overcame a sluggish day on offense thanks to an even worse performance from Robert Griffin III and the Redskins, edging them 31-16. A week after a historic offensive performance, Tony Romo came back to earth, going 18-of-30 for 170 yards, a touchdown, and an interception. RGIII wasn&rsquo;t any better, though, managing to complete only 19 of his 39 pass attempts for 246 yards and a pick on Dallas&rsquo;s 23-yard line. Griffin also lost a fumble on a sack that was recovered by Dallas.

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Ake Sellstrom (L), head of the chemical weapons team working in Syria, hands a report on the August 21, 2013 Al-Ghouta massacre to United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon in New York, in this handout picture provided by the United Nations September 15, 2013.

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All the games - bar an early London-based spin-off - are set in the USA. But crucial to the series&#039; success is that the world the characters inhabit is peppered with a distinctly British outlook, argues Mr Baglow.

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That’s a surprising development, because when Cruz signed, even he would have admitted then that Nicks was still the Giants’ No. 1 receiver. But Nicks hasn’t looked like a top receiver this season, even though he swears he sees no difference in his game.

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TOKYO, July 16 (Reuters) - Asian shares inched higher onTuesday, taking their cue from U.S. stocks afterweaker-than-forecast U.S. retail sales growth backed the viewthat the Federal Reserve will hold off reducing its bond-buyingstimulus anytime soon.

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The memoir arrived less than a year after another missed connection. During the 2012 season, SNY staged an elaborate production honoring the Mets’ all-time team, and named Piazza the starting catcher. Piazza did not attend, and declined chances to conduct interviews and help promote the special.

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With only one healthy running back left on their roster, the Giants have turned to Peyton Hillis, a 27-year-old former Madden coverboy who was a 1,000-yard rusher three years ago. The well-travelled running back signed with Giants on Wednesday afternoon after emerging from a five-person tryout on Tuesday.

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Financial markets have been sensitive to speculation overwhen the Fed will begin to scale back its $85 billion a month inbond purchases. Comments by Bernanke and minutes from a Fedmeeting in late May triggered a nearly 6 percent drop in the S&P500 in the month that followed.

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A curiously weak claim: &#8220;Once turbines are installed, wind power is the cheapest source of new electricity in many locations round the world&#8221;. Once they are installed, marginal costs are near-zero and the only cheaper source is local installed solar PV, because of lower transmission costs, Wind is now very often the cheapest source ex-ante on an LCOE basis, including the capital costs.

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Upul Jayasuriya, who appeared in court on behalf of the union, told Reuters the court had barred Fonterra from "(wholesaling), selling and distributing and/or selling for agents...all brands of Fonterra products for a period of two weeks."

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Still, McDonnell sees storm clouds ahead. The state is home to many federal workers who have been furloughed without pay as Congress fights over a spending resolution. They may receive back pay after the shutdown ends.

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Last quarter, American consumers bought 33 million smartphones, India accounted for 9 million, Japan bought 8.6 million, and the UK purchased 7.4 million. But one country beat them them all, combined &#8212; by almost as many smartphones as the U.S. bought.

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“This capital investment will help scientists make new discoveries and take their research through to commercial success. It will drive growth and support the government’s industrial strategy,” Mr Willetts said.

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Investigators said the crash occurred a day after Hastings returned from New York, where his wife was living at the time, and hours before a brother was due to join another family member in urging Hastings to go to detox. Family members told investigators that Hastings had been using the hallucinogenic dimethyltryptamine, or DMT, though the drug was not detected in a blood test after the crash.

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Options volume surged more than fivefold in the past decade to 16.7 million contracts a day last year as demand for securities that protect against losses and speculate on the direction of stocks grew, according to data compiled by the Chicago-based Options Clearing Corp.

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As the family was led by Brooklyn know-it-all Norman Oder, Bone didn’t need a radar to pick up on the prickly discord in the changing neighborhood. She even captured it in a photo of three bearded Hasidic men in black hats walking one way on Division Ave. and a woman in tight jeans walking the other way.

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Sony said at video game industry trade show in Germany that it had received more than 1 million pre-orders for its upcoming console, while Microsoft has revealed only that preorders for the Xbox One exceeded those of its predecessor, the 360, eight years ago.

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Cohen has said he is no fan of the term "edge." In a 2011deposition related to a separate lawsuit by a Canadian insurer,Cohen said, "I hate that word" when an opposing lawyer asked himwhether it was used at SAC to describe having an advantage overother investors.

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That probe that will likely result in Rodriguez’s suspension began following The News’ report last August that the former Yankee Cabrera and his associates had attempted to subvert a 50-game suspension by claiming a legal product had caused a positive drug test. MLB investigators quickly determined that Cabrera and his associates were bluffing, in part because a website for the product Cabrera claimed had caused his positive test had been created shortly before he met with baseball officials.

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"The equities have been routed as investors believeproducers have been complacent, with mine and capex planscalibrated on much higher gold prices, meaning free cash flowgeneration is overtly and in certain cases perilously negativefor the next two years," analysts at JP Morgan said in a note.

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The law had been blamed for creating its own problems in American schools, with critics saying that teachers were now "teaching to the test" and that standardized tests were being given too much weight in measuring student performance.

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"Consumer confidence decreased in September as concerns about the short-term outlook for both jobs and earnings resurfaced, while expectations for future business conditions were little changed," Lynn Franco, director of economic indicators at the Conference Board, said in a statement.

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The cynics, whobelieve players often take time-outs for tactical rather than medical reasons,pointed out that Azarenka had called for the trainer after blowing five matchpoints.  The episode prompted renewed calls for a change to the rules,which allow players to take a three-minute time-out for a “treatable medicalcondition” once their condition has been assessed.

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Obama had been open to a meeting with Rouhani at the United Nations, but after discussions between aides at a "working level," the Iranians were not ready to have an encounter at the presidential level, U.S. officials said.

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&#8220;What his mother did should not affect him,&#8221; said Michael McFarland, 63, Smolder&#8217;s friend and former taekwondo instructor. &#8220;There&#8217;s not a reason in the world they&#8217;d want to keep him out.&#8221;

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Jonathan Adkins, a spokesman for the Governors Highway Safety Association, which represents state highway safety offices, said anti-drunk driving campaigns may be encouraging more people to walk home after a night of drinking.

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Alex Smith treads carefully when subject of the San Francisco 49ers is broached. He politely talks about the positive days he spent with them, and then seems to usher along the conversation whenever their divorce is brought up.

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In his first UK interview since becoming Twitter&rsquo;s chief executive last month, Costolo, when asked for his long term vision of the company&rsquo;s purpose, replied: &ldquo;I am working on clarity around that at the moment. I am currently trying to define what Twitter&rsquo;s purpose is in the long term. We will be able to be more specific on that answer in the near future.&rdquo;

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Market researcher Newzoo estimates global game revenues across all platforms will reach $86.1 billion by 2016 as the number of gamers reaches 1.55 billion. It expects the fastest growth to come from mobile gaming, which will make up almost 30 percent of the total, up from about 17 percent this year.

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The new law is expected to have little effect on the “abortion trail” – the steady flow of women travelling to clinics in Britain. The latest figures show that last year almost 4,000 went to England and Wales for abortions.

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The company, which is also planning to shed 4,500 jobs, or more than one-third of its workforce, as it shrinks to focus on corporate and government customers, said it would not host the typical post-results call for investors after signing a tentative $9-a-share agreement to be acquired by Fairfax Financial, its largest shareholder, on Monday.

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Drew, who resigned when the losses became public, was once a member of Dimon&#39;s elite operating committee of executives. She was criticized in the company&#39;s internal investigation for failing to understand the risks the London traders had been taking as they made $2 billion in profits over several years.

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BART spokesman Rick Rice has said the transit system wanted workers to contribute to pensions, starting at 1 percent in the first year and growing to 4 percent in the fourth. The agency also wanted a cap on its healthcare costs, he said.

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Utah Gov. Gary Herbert confirmed late Tuesday that the fire burning near Park City had destroyed the homes in a subdivision about 10 miles northeast of town and burned at least 15 other structures such as vehicles, sheds and boats.

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Morzaria did not work in the division where the losses occurred. He has worked in various roles since 2005 and been based in New York since 2009. Prior to that he worked at Credit Suisse, JP Morgan and SG Warburg after starting his career at the accountants Coopers & Lybrand Deloitte.

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There are several candidates running and there are two women: Lets not forget Ceceilia Berkowitz. I think running a story on a Lesbian candidate is interesting but calling 30% of the woman vote as &#8220;struggling&#8221; is insane. If you have so many people in a race 30% is amazing &#8211; not struggling.

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Ineos began shutting the plant down when labor union Unite announced a 48-hour strike from Oct. 20. The company said it would put a proposal to the workforce Thursday and expects a response on Monday. It will review its position with its shareholders Tuesday.

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More than half of those companies employ 600 or more peopleacross Ireland. Stanley Black & Decker, which has a taxoffice in Dublin and a services centre in Cork, employs 58people at its 15 Irish-registered subsidiaries.

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In a report dated July 3, ISS backed First Manhattan nominee David Norton, former chairman of the global pharmaceuticals division at Johnson & Johnson Inc, Michael Astrue, a Medicare Trust Fund trustee, and Alex Denner, an industry veteran and Vivus shareholder.

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In South Carolina, Greenville Hospital System last year began increasing the temperature used to sterilize its surgical instruments after a patient was discovered to have Creutzfeldt-Jakob. Eleven patients there were notified that they might have been exposed.

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IndustriALL is seeking to establish compensation funds of $74.6m (Ă‚ÂŁ47.2m) for the Rana Plaza workers and $6.4m for the Tazreen factory workers which would address loss of earnings, medical and funeral costs, and other expenses of victims and bereaved families.

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"Investors should view (the committee hearing) as a political exercise that is not likely to have a substantive impact on the transaction itself," Mark McMinimy, an analyst at Guggenheim Securities, wrote in a research note. "Congressional hearings have not derailed these kinds of transactions in the past."

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If the Rusnok cabinet survives, political analysts say the center of political gravity will shift from parliament towards the president, who has said his popular mandate allows him to re-interpret his constitutional powers in his favor.

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What quality does he think he shared with Hunt to make them both extraordinary drivers? &ldquo;In many ways he was my opposite. We both tried to win. It&rsquo;s sad that he&rsquo;s not here now sitting with me. He had a rough time.

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It was only a few days later when, back home, I saw the news headline out of Chicago. In the late afternoon on Mother&#8217;s Day, Ronald &mdash; the quiet one, the one who hoped to be a barber &mdash; and Hal Baskin&#8217;s grandson were pulling away from the house on Morgan Street when someone stepped from a building and fired on their car. The grandson ducked and scrambled to the street. Ronald was hit in the neck and killed. Some of the news outlets ran a picture of Ronald grabbed from his Facebook page. He&#8217;d tried hard to look stern as he took it, holding up his smartphone, snapping the self-portrait in his bathroom mirror.

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When Kermit hopped from the small screen to the big, he needed to do something he could not do on television to entice his fans to follow him into cinemas. Something like ride a bicycle. The bicycle&rsquo;s first appearance is not built up within the film: Kermit simply needs to cycle somewhere, and so he does. The bicycle is not in itself extraordinary and that is the point of it: it is a bicycle you or I might ride that, through the magic of the movies, is being ridden by a Muppet.

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Oprah Winfrey’s struggling OWN network has been gaining traction with advertisers, according to the channel’s joint-owner, Discovery Communications. Here, the media mogul interviews pop star Beyonce (l.).

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Chris Rupkey, chief financial economist at the Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi in New York said the private manufacturing data were good news for the economy and that overall growth in the third quarter appeared to be "on fire."

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Prior to her appointment in 1983, the Cleveland Fed was led by Jerry Jordan, who was appointed in 1992. Jordan joined Cleveland from the St. Louis Fed, taking over from Lee Hoskins, who had been president since 1987.

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In its monthly report, the EIA said that global oil marketswould be better supplied in 2014 than previously forecast. TheEIA projected oil demand growth next year would be 1.17 millionbarrels per day (bpd), a fall of 20,000 bpd from the Septemberforecast.

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Jeter is out for at least a week with a Grade I strain of his right quad, an injury he suffered during his third at-bat Thursday afternoon. Sure, it could have happened very easily had he been the DH in Scranton that night, but even Jeter admitted to feeling the difference between rural Pennsylvania and the Bronx.

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&ndash; Photographs published in 1951 of several large footprints, taken by Eric Shipton, a respected mountaineer, sparked renewed interest, though critics claim the prints were distorted by melting snow.

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The median of their projections for 2016 judged that overnight fed funds rates would have reached 2 percent by the end of that year, when the central tendency of their forecasts for inflation was 1.7 percent to 2.0 percent.

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* SHIRE : The pharmaceutical firm rose on Monday amid more bid talkwith as many as three rivals, including U.S. firm Bristol-Myers Squibb, beingnamed as potential buyers, according to the Daily Express market report.

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The boy, whose identity has not been made public because of his age, has reportedly been released into the custody of his parents. Some are reporting that under Louisiana law the boy will not be charged with murder because of his age.

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Renting a car and driving it while on vacation or on a business trip is a "try before you buy" scenario, said Orlando Mayor Buddy Dyer, who took reporters on a cruise around downtown Orlando on a recent day in a Leaf.

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Indentured servants from India are thought to have brought the plant to Jamaica in the 19th century. Its use as a medicinal herb spread rapidly, with some people using ganja tea to alleviate aches and others using rum-soaked marijuana as a cold remedy. By the 1970s, marijuana became even more popular due to Rastafarian reggae stars like Marley and Peter Tosh.

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The storm could also bring needed rainfall farther north along the Mexico coast and perhaps as far north as South Texas, depending on its track, AccuWeather reports. "Any reasonable rainfall will be welcomed by many residential and agricultural interests over the Rio Grande Valley," Sosnowski says.

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Fort Sumter is just one of many museums, galleries and sites affected by the shutdown. The Statue of Liberty and 10 other monuments and national parks reopened over the weekend under deals with state governments.

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Mr Zeidan said his government had asked the EU for a number of things, including: "training, equipment, and help in allowing us to access the European satellite system to help us better monitor our shores, our southern land borders and inside the country as well. If we manage this, it would be important for our surveillance".

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One thing that won&rsquo;t change is her name. &ldquo;I was never going to change my name to Rocknroll,&rdquo; she says firmly. &ldquo;I&rsquo;ve never changed my name to anything so I didn&rsquo;t see a reason to start now. I quite like Kate Winslet; in fact I think it&rsquo;s very flashy. I&rsquo;m proud of my name because I&rsquo;m one of three girls and we have one boy in our family so essentially the only person who is going to carry the name along is my brother and he doesn&rsquo;t have any children at the moment.&rdquo;

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The BNP, sensing emotional and political dividends in equal measure, has thrown its lot in behind the Islamists, even while treading carefully on the issue of war crimes trials. Although a largely secular party itself, the BNP has not shied away from using Islamist rhetoric to attack the government.

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The series will also examine the career of WNBA player Sheryl Swoopes in "Swoopes" and college basketball coach Pat Summitt in "Patty XO," among other female sports greats. Another film, "Branded," will examine the sexual stereotypes female athletes face in the media.

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President Barack Obama and congressional Republican leadersworked to end their fiscal impasse on Friday, but struggled tostrike a deal on the details for a short-term reopening of thefederal government and an increase in the U.S. debt limit.

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The defense attempted to portray Manning as well-intentioned but young and naive, while the prosecution maintained that he was a trained intelligence analyst who knew what the fallout of such a major leak would be.

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Riders are paying more money for less service. Fares have gone up four times in six years, at a pace that the state controller found to be more than double the rate of inflation. The base fare jumped from $2 in 2008 to $2.50 in 2013 — and the 30-day card increased from $81 to $112 during the same period.

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The ministry said two "dangerous terrorists" were arrested for suspected involvement in the attempt. A third suspect was still on the run after trading machine-gun fire with security forces, the ministry said.

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The president is especially unpopular with many of the younger generation, which longs for freedom and opportunity. According to one Belarusian woman who has since left the country, students in the late 1990s would start every party with a fervent toast: &ldquo;To the sniper.&rdquo;

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While the commotion over commodities trade has focused mostintensely on the warehousing issue, lawmakers are also lookingmore broadly at whether banks should be allowed in thecommercial business of crude oil cargoes and power plants.

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The biggest regulatory worry is likely to be a reduction ofcompetition in Ireland, as the deal will cut the number ofmobile phone operators from four to three - an issue Hutchisonran into during its takeover of Orange Austria last year.

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In May, Osaka&#039;s Mayor Toru Hashimoto came under fire after he said that "comfort women", women who were forced to become prostitutes for Japan&#039;s WWII troops, were "necessary".

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Carpenter, however, plays down his reputation as the father of the genre: "I think the main reason that Halloween inspired other movies was very shrewd producers looking and saying, &#039;This idiot made this for $300,000, we can do it and make money&#039;.

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So, it makes sense, especially in light of previous elite NBA coaches either having taken the plunge in the pros or at least been broached by the idea, for Self&#8217;s name to surface in terms of a jump in levels. Self was inducted Monday night into the Oklahoma Sports Hall of Fame, and gave a surprisingly candid answer to the latest general inquiry.

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Featherstone, 46, maintains that the job is less daunting than setting up the National Theatre of Scotland in 2006, which was a widely hailed triumph, even if some north of the border took this Surrey-raised interloper to task for a perceived Anglocentric neglect of the Scottish canon, a campaign of criticism she describes as &ldquo;bullying&rdquo;. She detects little added pressure, too, from being the Court&rsquo;s first female artistic director: &ldquo;If this was the 1970s it might be different but I feel I&rsquo;ve been around a powerful generation of women since I was born.&rdquo;

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Times have changed, all right. Major League Baseball’s most recent collective bargaining agreement enforces strict penalties for what it deems overspending on the amateur draft and under-age 22 international free agents, in addition to the increased luxury tax on payrolls exceeding the now-famous figure of $189 million.

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Tammy Whitaker, EH’s principal adviser for heritage at risk in Yorkshire, said: “We are very pleased that the number of sites on the register is reducing, but there is still a lot left to do in order to preserve the historic buildings and places of Yorkshire for future generations.”

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European Central Bank (ECB) governing council member Christian Noyer listens to a speech by Bank of Japan Governor Masaaki Shirakawa (not seen) at the Paris Europlace Financial Forum in Tokyo December 3, 2012.

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&ldquo;I think Landon proved again today how valuable he is and now he can make a difference,&rdquo; U.S. coach Jurgen Klinsmann said. &ldquo;This game was important for coaches to see who is a difference maker. Overall, we see our team clicking more and playing better and better.&rdquo;

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That move to democracy is likely to keep investors on the sidelines, however, as long as the situation remains uncertain. Renaissance says Africa funds are likely to stick with sub-Saharan Africa and Morocco, and keep clear of Egypt.

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And NLG, the Pennsylvania-based company that sold Hazan the spread, has sued her in a succession of courts to pry her out of the property and force her to pay the $3.7 million she still owes, court records revealed.

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Mornhinweg will never revert back to the Jets’ “ground-and-pound” days of 2009 and 2010. However, he’s smart enough to realize how much of an asset Ivory can be to take pressure off quarterback Geno Smith, who has made his fair share of rookie mistakes in the first two weeks.

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The Spaniard looked so rueful. Once again, he had failed to crack Froome and, even though he moved into second place overall 4min 34sec behind the Briton after Bauke Mollema&rsquo;s nightmare trial lost him over two minutes, he and his Saxo-Tinkoff team will not stop trying to rattle the leader.

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Teresa Giudice and her husband, Joe Giudice, stars of &#8220;The Real Housewives of New Jersey,&#8221; have been charged in an alleged conspiracy to defraud lenders and illegally obtain mortgages during a bankruptcy case.

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In 18 states, 278 people have been sickened in the ongoing salmonella outbreak. It has been linked to chicken produced by Foster Farms at three California plants, the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) announced Monday.

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Rajan, who famously forecast the global financial crisis, said on Friday that domestic drivers of the rupee now takeprecedence: "The focus has turned to internal determinants ofthe value of the rupee, primarily the fiscal deficit anddomestic inflation.

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Japan&#8217;s situation is particularly complex. While the BOJ and central bank head Haruhiko Kuroda paid lip service to concerns about spiking interest rates, of note was that actual bond buying didn&#8217;t stop 10-year JGB rates from hitting 1 percent for the first time in two years. The BOJ launched a 2 trillion yen fund supply operation, as well as two bond-buying efforts totaling 810 billion yen.

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Mr. Boehner faces two challenges from inside his party. Centrist Republicans, eager to fully reopen the government and avoid a default, have already reached across the aisle to explore possible solutions, while conservatives are threatening to turn their back on the speaker if a broader deficit-reduction deal doesn&#8217;t include changes or delays to the new health-care law.

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Those hedge funds often use the loan to enter a highly leveraged trade, which can exacerbate a fire sale if one of these funds comes under stress. Worries over a fire sale of collateral against repos at Long Term Capital Management (LTCM) when it almost defaulted in 1998 led to a group of banks having to purchase the fund and then slowly unwind the firm.

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Hess subsequently paid $114,000 in fines, spokesman JonPepper said the company also began using closed-loop systems,which use steel or fiberglass tanks to store contaminatedwastewater and do not require open pits for storage.

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But divorce, disappointments and reality have changed her tune. Heather’s 39th birthday present to herself is a New York cabaret showcase of her new songs about female empowerment, like the rebellious “Put in a Package and Sold.”

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U.S. President Barack Obama called for a peaceful response to the case that has polarized the U.S. public over the past 16 months. In general, the demonstrations were peaceful, though the New York march became disorderly at times, and in Los Angeles protesters blocked a major highway.

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Medina said he followed his wife into the kitchen to confront her, at which point she began punching him, according to the affidavit. Police said Medina told them he then went upstairs, grabbed his gun once again, and held it in his right hand as he walked downstairs toward Alfonso, who responded by grabbing a knife.

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Slim, who briefly visited the country on Wednesday, met withPresident Otto Perez to discuss investment options, which alsoinclude building a train line between southern Mexico andGuatemala, said spokesman Francisco Cuevas.

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&#8220;As the administration continues to withhold important details and enrollment figures, I hope Secretary Sebelius is ready to give answers and finally live up to the president&#8217;s celebrated claims of transparency,&#8221; Rep. Fred Upton, R-Mich., the committee Chair, was quoted as saying in the press release.

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State power utility ONEE has also agreed with internationallenders to build around 10 solar photovoltaic plants around thecountry to generate 30 MW each to help stabilise its electricitynetwork as it faces growing demand.

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An Interior Ministry spokesman said additional security measures had been in place since a jailbreak last week in which a number of militants escaped, saying it was not related to a separate global al Qaeda threat that prompted the closure of U.S. embassies in the Middle East and Africa.

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"While we are still depending on furlough savings, we will be able to make up our budgetary shortfall in this fiscal year with fewer furlough days than initially announced," the secretary said in a written statement Tuesday, describing what he calls "one of the most volatile and uncertain budget cycles the Department of Defense has ever experienced."

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&ldquo;I think I&rsquo;ve been totally defined by my family,&rdquo; Jack says, proudly. &ldquo;More than my schooling or friendship groups. If it wasn&rsquo;t for these relationships, I wouldn&rsquo;t be the person I am. I felt early on in my life that I was in your shadow quite a lot,&rdquo; he continues, addressing his father. &ldquo;And that inspired me to become the person that I am. Having a very dominant father who is a big character and is confident and funny, you can go either way &ndash; become sheltered and shy or you push on and try to become a character yourself.&rdquo;

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The Amalgamated Transit Union and management for First Transit, which operates buses for Valley Metro, have been in contract talks since the first of the year over wages, benefits and work rules, the transit authority said.

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With Los Tacos No. 1 setting up in Chelsea Market, there’s about one thing to say on behalf of taco-crazy New Yorkers when it comes to defending their assertions that they now have one of America’s best tacos: God help you. West Coasters who haven’t even sought out the city’s best will likely have too much of a chip on their shoulder to admit it, many so-called East Coast taco experts haven’t a leg to stand on to combat the clich�© that there are no good New York tacos anyway, and it’s going to seem pretty outrageous to declare a place open for less than a year as one that serves one of America’s finest, so good luck with all that. But who cares anyway? Texans and Californians be damned, it’s true. Los Tacos No. 1 serves a taco so good that you could dare anyone to taste it blindfolded against their supposed classic favorite confident and they’d secretly be worried they’d choose Los Tacos No. 1 instead. And Californians and Texans should have no reason to begrudge them anyway — it’s a collaboration of three close friends from Tijuana, Mexico, and Brawley, Calif., for crying out loud, guys who heard the East Coast plight and wanted to proselytize the West Coast expertise. Forget reason. Let’s go to taste. You really can’t go wrong whether you go with adobo or pollo, but the winner is the red chile-marinated pork, the adobada. Moist. Salted. Flavorful. Sweet but not cloying. Accoutrements. Proper moisture and accurately delivered tortilla. There are expertly prepared salsas. Dress it yourself. You’ll shut up because your mouth will be full and you will be happy. (You shouldn’t need to undersell them New Yorkers, but like dealing with that difficult friend, loved one, or sibling, you know well enough that introducing your West Coast friends to Los Tacos No. 1 will mean bumping into them there getting their fix.)

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