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32.Lachman 10504
33.Jeliga 10493
34.Kalvas 10463
32.Kožich 8950
33.Pelikán 8925
34.Svoboda 8759
8.Sukačová 6464
9.Švihálek 6070
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ZŠ TGM Otrokovice - Otrokovice

HUDYsport - Praha 1
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Rock Point OC Olympia - Brno


Ravenna 2002

"Mistrovství Evropy" žáků do 14 let 2002.
Na konci školního roku se uskutečnilo v italské Ravenně Mistrovství Evropy žáků do 14 let.

Již po jedenácté se sešli v tomto přímořském letovisku nejlepší mladí lezci z celé Evropy. Letos přijelo více jak 110 dětí z České republiky, Slovenska, Slovinska, Rakouska, Maďarska, Ruska a Itálie. Bojovalo se s ohromným nasazením po tři dny ve třech disciplínách, boulderingu, obtížnosti a rychlosti.
Vše začalo v pátek odpoledne, kdy za ne příliš italského vlhkého počasí odstartoval celý maratón lezením na obtížnost bez lana  -  boulderingem. Každý lezl tři bouldry různé obtížnosti a celkový součet bodů určil vítěze v celkem šesti kategoriích. Český tým měl zastoupení ve všech  a hned v první soutěžní den zahájil své medailové žně.
Vítězi svých kategorií se stali Petr Solanský, Martin Stráník, Adam Ondra a Aneta Hyvlová. Stříbro si vybojovala Silvie Rajfová a bronz Libor Hroza. Závod klasicky končil po půlnoci a všech 24 českých dětí i se svými rodiči těšilo na druhý soutěžní den, lezení na obtížnost. I v sobotu, již v pravém italském „ažůru“, pokračovaly české lezecké naděje ve svém titulovém tažení. Na obtížných technických cestách se nejvíce dařilo Silvě Rajfové, Adamu Ondrovi a Zuzce Zbrankové, kteří získali zlato. Stříbro si vylezli Štěpán Stráník, Lucka Hrozová a na bronz dosáhl Pavel Solanský. Následoval opět popůlnoční pochod do campu a po nezbytném ranním řádění v moři zpět „do stěn“. V nedělním odpoledne čekalo všechny mladé lezce atraktivní lezení na rychlost. Cesty na rychlost připomínaly spíše lezení na obtížnost a zejména nejmladším závodníkům dávaly pořádně zabrat těžké přešahy do zapuštěných chytů. Přesto všichni naši opět bojovali jako opravdoví čeští lvi a byly z toho další cenné kovy! Nejrychleji své cesty vyběhli vítězové Libor Hroza a  Adam Ondra, na druhý stupínek se postavil po českém bratrovražedném finále Štěpán Stráník a trošku nešťastně i Eliška Karešová, kterou všichni viděli jako jasnou vítězku. Třetí stupeň na bedně patřil Silvii Rajfové.
Celkově Česká republika obsadila v hodnocení národů druhé místo, jen velmi, velmi těsně za Slovinci.
Absolutními vítězi a tím i absolutními mistry Evropy se stali pro rok 2002 Silvie Rajfová, Adam Ondra a Aneta Hyvlová. Vicemistry Evropy se stali Libor Hroza, Lucka Hrozová, Martin Stráník a Zuzka Zbranková. Třetí v celkovém hodnocení skončil Štěpán Stráník.
Nejkrásnějším, čistě Československým stupínkem vítězů byla „bedna“ nejmladších děvčat, kdy v celkovém pořadí obsadily první  dvě místa Aneta Hyvlová a Zuzka Zbranková a třetí byla jejich velká kamarádka Dominika Kovačíková zo Slovenska. Škoda jen, že nezbyl čas na hymny, zase po letech by zazněla celá, Československá!
Takže suma sumárů Češi vylovili v Ravenně celkem neuvěřitelných 12 zlatých, devět stříbrných a čtyři bronzové medaile!!
Na závěr se patří poděkovat všem dětem i jejich rodičům a trenérům za vzornou reprezentaci České republiky na těchto tradičních a prestižních mezinárodních závodech. Zvláštní dík patří šéfovi celé výpravy Jirkovi Čermákovi za jeho „pracovní nasazení“ po celou dobu závodů, kdy se ve dne i v noci staral o bezproblémový chod naší nejmladší reprezentace. A speciální dík posílají všichni čeští účastníci ravennských závodů do bolatického Lanexu, který celý český výběr nejen oblékl do „reprezentačních“ triček, ale přispěl i hodnotnými dary pro italské pořadatele. Na českých lanech z „lanexácké“ produkce to mladým nadějím z Čech lezlo téměř samo!!
Díky všem a za rok se zase jede pro medaile a tituly!

Houmless   [úpravy] 21:35 23.07.2002Tisk 


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 Gratulace !!!
Tak to je parádní, všem moc gratuluju !
Zapsal: Jelen, 14:44:11 24.07.2002
 Super, ale...
Super clanek Houmlessi, jen si nejsem jist tim vekem Elisky a Petra. Tem uz je urcite pres 14 ne:)? To uz i Italove do 14 pojmenujou i starsi :)

Jinak vsem co se toci kolem CPML od roku 99. Snazim se zarchivovat vysledky jednotlivych zavodu od tohoto roku. Proto prosim, kdo ma at elektronicke podobe, nebo v papirove vysledky ze zavodu v letech 99 a 2000. Staci kdyz je poslete na muj mail (papirove naskenovane).
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Zapsal: Bokula, 19:14:55 27.07.2002
 Technicka poznamka
Sorry za ty html tagy v predchozim prispevku. To jsem si mohl domyslet, ze jsou zablokovany :-). Priste uz je nebudu psat.
Zapsal: Bokula, 19:21:10 27.07.2002
To máte jedno, hlavně že se leze....
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Thanks funny site <a href=" http://vvasoftware.com#green ">cialis</a> It is a politically charged interpretation with a grand narrative sweep but, too often, the decisions underpinning it feel arbitrary. One of Aslan&rsquo;s key ideas is that Christ was brought up in rural poverty, and would thus have been illiterate. Yet Aslan also credits Christ with detailed knowledge of scripture. It is surely easier to argue that Christ was educated and, hence, not so poor at all. Or, rather, that he was poor from choice, like St Francis, rather than from material forces, like a proletarian revolutionary. Which is not to say a comfortably off Jesus is more likely, but only that a &ldquo;real&rdquo; Jesus is so remote that many interpretations are possible.

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A financial advisor <a href=" http://wallpapers.in.net ">elephant wallpaper</a> J.M. Nicholas is a sports journalist based out of Indianapolis Indiana. He has previously written for yahoosports.com, indycolts.com, indianapoliscolts.com, and rantsports.com. His works have appeared on various other sports websites, including bleachereport.com. You can follow on Twitter @hootiewhodisbe. Posts and articles are updated regularly.

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While Szil�¡rd argued against the use of nuclear weapons, he was the very man who campaigned for their construction. He wrote a letter to Roosevelt in August 1939, urging the American President to overtake Germany in the race to build nuclear weapons. In the document he explains that it is possible to create a nuclear chain reaction, thus an atomic bomb, and detailed the destructive potential of such weapons. To show his approval, Albert Einstein signed the letter. Einstein, who hated the Nazis, championed the case for nuclear weapons after Leo Szil�¡rd and Jenő Wigner (another Hungarian physicist) had paid him a visit and explained him their discovery.

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“The Lone Ranger,” which reunited Bruckheimer with his “Pirates of the Caribbean” collaborators, director Gore Verbinski and actor Johnny Depp, has earned a paltry 27% score on Rotten Tomatoes. And movie-goers haven’t responded any better than critics: the film has grossed a disappointing $163.9 million worldwide against a reported budget of $250 million.

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New York Democratic mayoral hopeful Bill Thompson speaks to his supporters after the polls closed, Tuesday, Sept. 10, 2013 in New York. Thompson and opponent Bill de Blasio are locked in a tight race in the Democratic primary. Thompson is holding up three fingers, indicating that he is hoping for a runoff election to determine the Democratic nominee in three weeks. (AP Photo/Mark Lennihan)

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Former Welsh education minister Leighton Andrews read the riot act in 2010 after disastrous Pisa results showed Wales tumbling down the rankings in reading, maths and science. But Mr Andrews’ successor, Huw Lewis, has acknowledged the nation is still “suffering from chronic inconsistency in the delivery of our key educational programmes”.

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TRIPOLI, Libya - Libya said Sunday it has asked the United States for "clarifications" regarding the abduction in Tripoli of an Al Qaeda leader linked to the 1998 U.S. Embassy bombings in East Africa, adding that Libyan nationals should be tried in their own country.

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Solving the impasse is crucial for a global economy that theG20, which accounts for 90 percent of world output andtwo-thirds of its population, said is showing signs ofimprovement but still facing "downside risks."

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In its statement, Al Qaeda in Iraq dubbed the prison operation "Conquering the Tyrants," and described it as "a bold raid blessed by God" that followed a series of earlier attacks that "shook the pillars of the Safavid project" - a reference to what some Sunni Muslims see as undue Iranian influence over Iraq and its Shiite-led government.

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There were 79.2 million ballots counted in this supplementary All-Star election, including the social media votes that arrived in the 11th hour. And that’s not counting the 100 million votes that the All-Star winners from both leagues received in the regular MLB election. By comparison, Obama received 65,899,660 votes in the 2012 popular election while Romney got 60,932,152.

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Mr Carney sais measures could include using the new powers of the Bank&rsquo;s financial policy committee, which he chairs. In the past, the Bank&rsquo;s response to a potential housing bubble would have been to raise interest rates.

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NEW YORK - The Dow and S&P 500 rose on Wednesday as Republicans and Democrats in Congress showed early signs of a possible break in the impasse, and U.S. President Barack Obama invited both sides for talks about ending the government shutdown, now in its ninth day.

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Lonnie Snowden said those findings show "a concerted effort"by lawmakers "to demonize my son, to focus the issue on my son,and not to talk about the fact that they had a responsibility toensure that these programs were constitutional."

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In June, emergency manager Kevyn Orr ordered the investigation into possible waste, abuse, fraud or corruption in the cityÂ’s employee benefits programs. His office released the joint report. Orr is leading the city through a restructuring and historic municipal bankruptcy, which was filed July 18. Orr said the city has debt and future liabilities of about $18 billion.

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Rochester, meanwhile, will become home to a forensics center that would house psychiatric patients coming out of state prisons or patients held under court order. It will grow to 155 beds in the state&#8217;s 2015-16 fiscal year and could house some patients that would otherwise be in Buffalo.

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NSA Director Keith Alexander stressed Wednesday that Google Inc, Facebook Inc and other technology companies revealed by Snowden as assisting the NSA were only doing what courts had ordered them to do in a "compelled relationship." A half-dozen companies are petitioning U.S. courts for the right to disclose more about how much they turn over, saying that early media reports exaggerated their role.

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Traders are waiting to see if the Energy Department will report another draw in oil supplies after a surprisingly large drop of 30 million barrels over the past month. However, oil supplies remain high compared with the five-year average, and that will constrain the price of crude.

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The results of the study point to a disturbing pattern of alcohol consumption among high school seniors: 20.2 percent of high school seniors reported binge drinking (five or more drinks consecutively) in the two weeks prior to the study, while 10.5 percent reported having 10 or more drinks and 5.6 percent reported having 15 or more drinks.

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Manukainiu, a defensive lineman for the Aggies, and Gaius “Keio” Vaenuku were among three teens killed in the wreck, officials from both schools said. One of the survivors, Salesi Uhatafe, is an incoming freshman football player for Utah.

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Finding a donor is much more difficult for minorities overall, in fact. When whites search through the 10.5 million donors on the registry, they have a 93% chance of finding a good match. Asian or Pacific Islanders have a 73% chance of finding a match. Black patients, whose genetic diversity has increased since they’ve mixed with whites, Native Americans, and Latinos, have only a 66% chance of being matched.

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CAMBRIDGE, Mass. &mdash; Malala Yousafzai, the Pakistani teenager shot in the head by the Taliban last year because of her push for education for girls in Pakistan, has been traveling the world calling for greater access to education, and for peace and equality.

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Yang Su, from the University of Graz in Austria, said the latest data is just the latest part of an incomplete puzzle that explains how magnetic reconnection causes solar flares. “We have so many pieces of evidence, but the picture is not yet complete,” Su said in the NASA release. Su was responsible for discovering the spacecraft-captured magnetic reconnection in action, and the research was published in the journal Nature Physics.

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As a rule, the winning league in the All-Star Game is awarded home-field advantage in the World Series, a change instituted for 2003 and beyond to give everyone something to play for as opposed to&hellip; well, whatever myriad reasons players had for competing in the All-Star Game before that. (The change was a reaction to the much-lampooned 7-7 tie in the 2002 All-Star Game.)

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Chevron has several high-profile legal battles in SouthAmerica, including its year-long tussle in Brazil following anoffshore oil spill there and a two-decade international fightover rainforest pollution in Ecuador.

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Sean first released the song on August 12, and Lamar finally broke his silence surrounding the verse this week. He not only spoke on calling out his friends J. Cole, Big K.R.I.T., Wale, Pusha T, Meek Mill, A$AP Rocky, Drake, Big Sean, Jay Electronica, Tyler, the Creator and Mac Miller, Dot also addressed his fiery "king of New York" line, which a number of Big Apple MCs took exception to.

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Rouhani and Zarif both tried to dispel mistrust of the Islamic Republic with a series of meetings, speeches and media interviews around the U.N. General Assembly in New York at the end of last month which was capped with a phone call between the Iranian president and U.S. President Barack Obama.

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