5. přelez Realization

Americký lezec Ethan Pringle přelezl v neděli 2. září 2007 cestu Realization za 9a+. Je to 5. přelez slavné cesty, kterou jako první dal Američan Chris Sharma.

Zdroj Big UP

Lezec.cz   [úpravy] 22:08 05.09.2007


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 vic z 8a23:26:09 05.09.2007
E-mail from Natasha Barnes:
"Ethan Pringle has just sent Realization at Ceuse. He was with Jon Cardwell and Matt Segal, among others. Ethan had been working on the route for about a month, taking a two-week break to train in Austria and climb in Italy with Jon Cardwell. Ethan had stuck the crux on his 7th try, but had been falling near the anchors, before finding another hold. I think this was the quickest ascent of the route so far. (Ethan had done Biographie, the bottom of the route, in 3 tries.)"
 Realization13:40:02 06.09.2007
Thatś what I´m talking about

 C2H613:30:06 06.09.2007
Quickest! Common! With Ethan density, which is 1,212 kg·m−3 it could by quite easy to sent Realization by OS. One month was too long.
Dr. O(l)dpunkodpovědět 
 13:31:38 06.09.2007
− --> -3

 ???19:33:53 06.09.2007
Kdy se k nim přidáš Adame?

 nářez21:41:05 06.09.2007
kua to už dneska leze taky každej floutek. Nedávno jeden amík teď zas jinej campusák. No chybí tu už jen: Shozeno Ondrou Benešem na Xb. :))) see ya.  ne ted beze srandy gratuluju k super výkonu.

 video09:35:32 09.09.2007
ked to preliezol Graham, ktosi tu sluboval video z jeho pokusov. zabudlo sa na to? no tak, my sme zvedavi! ;-)