XV. KLÉBI CUP The Youth Climbing Competition will be organized in Budapest. It consists of difficulty climbing and speed climbing on artificial wall. Sponsored by Lanex, City Wall and Meteora-Alpin Bt. 2004.04.24. Gymnasium of Klebelsberg Kuno Primary and Grammar School, 1028 Budapest, Kökény street 44. The Youth Climbing Competition of KLÉBI will be organized. It consists of difficulty climbing and speed climbing on artificial wall as follows: Categories: children born in 1987-88 category A boy/girl children born in 1989-90 category B boy/girl children born in 1991-92 category C boy/girl children born in 1993- category D boy/girl Rules: Difficulty climb: Qualifying round 2 routes to be climbed in all categories, flash. Half of the competitors gets into the final, but maximum ten. Final 1 route to be climbed, on sight; with superfinal, if necessary and shared first place thereafter. Time limits will be announced during the technical meeting. Climbers of category A, B, C will lead; category D will climb top rope Program: Saturday, 24. 04. 2004 9:00 - 10:00 registration; 10:00 technical meeting; 10:30 category D first qualifying round 11:00 category C first qualifying round 11:00 category B first qualifying round 12:00 category A first qualifying round 12:00 category D second qualifying round 12:30 category C second qualifying round 12:30 category B second qualifying round 13:30 category A second qualifying round 14:00 category D start of finals 14:30 category C start of finals 14:30 category B start of finals 15:30 category A start of finals 16:00 start of speed competition 17:00 awarding ceremony Prices: Cup, medal, certificate. Registration: Gymnasium of Klebelsberg Kuno Primary and Grammar School, 1028 Budapest, Kökény street 44. 24st of April 2004 between 9:00 and 10:00 a.m. Competition fee: HUF 1.000 (€ 4) to be paid at the registration. Access: From M1 motorway: Budaörsi street - Alkotás street – Moszkva square – Szilágyi Erzsébet avenue – Hűvösvölgyi street – Hidegkúti street – Hidegkúti street 161. on the left – Községház street – Községház street 12-16. on the right – Szabadság street – Szabadság street 36. on the left – Kökény street http://www.utak.hu/ http://map.index.hu Information, registration: Ernő Horváth +36 20 938 5226 klebik@freemail.hu Information: Barna Kiss +36 30 371 5939 www.sportmaszas.hu barna.kiss@sportmaszas.hu The program of the competition is subject to change.