
New quick draw design

As a leading information channel for the climbing community we researched to get information concerning  a fresh and unique design of Double Clip system used for carabiners.

Maybe you have been in situation of do or fly, while clipping a qwickdraw… and damn the quickdraw is the other way around. For such a moment there is a company called Pulling Birds Ltd.

Carabiner DoubleClip

DoubleClip Ultra Wire

We have offered, not being so much into rock climbing, the whole set of quickdraws to our cooworker to test it. He promised to write a story about this brand new design,  but he hasn't aswered yet.

When these cool karabiners will be more common within climbing comunity?

Producer doesn’t recommend to open both locks at the same time !!   [edit] 00:05 01.04.2006

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 Good joke08:51:59 01.04.2006
Very good Joke! Thanks for superb April, Jirka!!!