Christmas mini interview

Adam Ondra

sm13 years old Adam Ondra is the best climber of Czech Republic in the rock climbing rankings and he is one of the best climbers world wide at all. So we had to ask Adam for a Christmas mini interview at least.

Adam, there were a lot of articles about climbing and you on climbing sites, so I start from another end:

How did you spent Christmas?

Home - traditionaly - sweets, karp fish, potato salad.... and we even have not not climbed :-((((. And on 25th December we were at grandmam and granpa.

What did you find under the Christmas tree?

The Christ baby was so maaaany large-hearted: mobil phone, some table game, a chair and socks with Garfield etc...

Do you have some New Year´s determination?

To climb a project on our small brick fence on front of our house (the fence is about one metre high and nobody is able to do sitstart there, because of large body)....

Where will you stay on New Year´s Eve? Are you planing for winter season some trip to southern rocks?

Today we leave to Andonne and Tende ( to enjoy winter at least ),  and then somewhere to Monaco. Well and on February we are going to "have a look" somewhere to Spain.

What are the aims and not only climbing ones you are thinking about for the next year?

People should not tell it, it would not then fullfill me up. Anyway probably a looooot of Frankenjura and again Frankenjura.

Thanks for the answers and ones more all the best.

The photo and PF card, that Adam has sent us together with the answers

Article about the rankings: Climber of the year 2006   [edit] 12:09 26.12.2006

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