The Canadian film Asiemut about a bicycle tour across Asia won the main prize of the International Mountaineering Film Festival in Teplice nad Metují 2007 (North of Czech Republic) today. The Slovak film Uli Biaho about an extreme climb in Karakoram got the spectators prize (Slovak ascent of the year 2006). The Polish film Zima na Shishe (Winter on Shisha) was granted as the best mountaineering film. The movie is about a winter ascent on the 8000+ meter Shisha Pangma. The film Mountain without Barriers (USA) was granted the the best documentary. It is about the use of new technologies to help handicapped people return to a full life. Special prizes of the jury were given to the films: De un Hilo (In the dangerousness - Spain), and Jak To Vlastne Tenkrat Bylo (How it actualy was a long time ago - Czech) about the 100th anniversary of the first ascent of the sandstone tower Jeptiska in the Labak valley is in retro style (Jak to vlastne tenkrat bylo). The prize of the town Teplice nad Metují was given to the German film Facing Obsession about the extreme climbing of Stefan Glowacz and Robert Jasper in Patagonia on Cerro Murallon (Facing Obsession). Info, results and photos from the parallel competition of Czech Cup in bouldering and from the contest on slack line are in extra article: Fesťák - Czech Cup in bouldering - on Festak (Film Festival) +Slackline What was the Fesťák the last year (2006) and the year before (2005) the year before (2004) the year before (2003)?