Mello boulder

Many climbers are attracted by stunning granite walls of Val di Mello but recently more and more climbers are heading to its famous bouldering area. A good news for second group is that a new great bouldering guide book has appeared.

Bouldering is a free and everchanging activity. It's so easy to go bouldering! All you need is a pair of climbing shoes, some chalk, a crashpad... ready to go!
You can actually come in contact with the rock in shorter time than in mountaineering.

Valtellina is the Italian cradle of this climbing discipline, starting with the "Sassisti" movement in early Seventies, till the well-known international meeting taking place yearly in Val di Mello.

In this guidebook, a result of the author's deep and everlasting passion for bouldering, are reviewed the main boulder spots in Valtellina e Valchiavenna; more than 2.000 problems, all of them carefully described and photographed, with grade indications.
The main new feature of this guidebook, compared to the previous one, "Bloc Notes", is the graphic depiction of the problems, clearly highlighted in the pics. This allows to spot the problem without any error... you can almost forget to check the map!

Introduction of the guidebook will take place on 8th of May at Mello Blocco.

Cover page

photo by © Versante Sud

Obvious lines have just arrow, more complex directions have usually drawn line

photo by © JirkaS


Andrea Pavan, geologist, member of "Ragni di Lecco" team, climbs since 1996.His first experiences spanned from ice to mountaineering, from ski-mountaineering to free climbing...
Then he focused on rock climbing, succeeding in demanding ascents in Masino massif, the Alps, Peru.
He has repeated several problems in Cresciano, Chironico and Val Masino; he has spotted and cleaned an incalculable amount of problems in almost all the sites described in this guidebook. He moved to Sondrio in 2007; since then, he lives there.

  • Format 15x21
  • Pages 352
  • Price 26,50 Euros
  • ISBN 978-88-87890-58-7

Versante Sud

JirkaS   [edit] 23:53 29.03.2008

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