Czech Mountaineering Union has worried, that climbers who are only members of OeAV and other German unions cannot climb on Czech preserved rocks, because Czech legislation allows climbing there only for climbers organized in unions unified in UIAA. The reason is that the German and Austrians unions left UIAA to the end of 2008. This Czech regulation can be applied in the most of the Czech climbing areas especially some sandstones and some other areas (Boren, Jizerske/Izer Gebirge etc). It has not only impact for German and Austrian climbers but also for wide number of Czech climbers who were only members of Czech office of Austrian Alpenverein mostly because of better insurance conditions. The source in Czech on Czech Mountaineering Union site: Article with UIAA background on in English: The German and Austrians leave UIAA Update of areas with the mentioned regulation (only UIAA members can climb there): * Skaly v CHKO Krivoklátsko (Dehtenická skala etc.), * NPR Jizerskohorske buciny * CHKO Cesky raj, * PP Stribrny vrch v CHKO Kokorinsko, * NPR Boren, * NP Ceske Svycarsko. Source in Czech: