Pro Honzu Kreisingra: je super, že na lezce zadáváš nový cesty, ale nemyslíš,že by si cesty jako Astroman nebo Riders on the storm, zasloužili aspoň vypsat autory a kousek historie, když už nic jinyho...
Zapsal: luky:o), 10.03.2006 20:46:38 Tak abych jen neprudil: Astroman, první volný výstup: Bachar, Kauk, Long v roce 1975, 12 délek, pět za 5.10, pět za 5.11, dvě lehký. Peter Croft ji přelezl několikrát free sólo, mimo něj ji má sólo přelezenou i Dean Potter. Bacharovi a Kaukovi bylo v době, kdy přelezly Astromana 18 let:-)
Zapsal: luky:o), 10.03.2006 20:56:32 Máš pravdu, postupně to doplním.Dnes už jsem nad tím strávil dost času, tak příště.
Zapsal: Honza, 10.03.2006 21:58:41 This was a significant accomplishment of its day when Warren Harding completed it as an aid climb in 1959 after months of effort and several attempts. As such, though, it might have languished in relative obscurity alongside the other big wall routes in Yosemite Valley. It took some of the outstanding free climbers of another generation to put this climb in its proper context as one of the finest free climbing testpieces on the continent. In an emerging tradition of renaming climbs after they are climbed free (a dubious practice, but now well-established), they called it "Astroman". It is now known around the world as a benchmark for a long, difficult granite climb. This route offers some of the cleanest and most classic crack, dihedral, and chimney climbing to be found in the Valley, which is known for high-quality rock. If and when you are up to this one, reflect on leading it with Hex nuts as did the first free ascensionists, or free-soloing it, as has Peter Croft.
Zapsal: 18.06.2006 01:11:45 Obtiznost 5.11c - osm minus.
Zapsal: 18.06.2006 01:13:52
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