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44.Hebelka 10115
45. 10110
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Lezecké centrum SmíchOFF - Praha 5

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Outdoor Centrum Rock Point Perštýn - Praha 1



Open air bouldering competition Sneznik 2004

This is a compilation (and a bit beyond) of the several articles refereeing about open air
bouldering competition held on the magic hill Dečínský Sněžník. Before description what was going on let me write few words about the history and this  destination at all.
    Sněžník is situated in the North part of Bohemia almost exactly on the Czech-German border. It takes 20 minutes by car from Ustí n.L. city. Today, it is not yet clear  who was the first discoverer of the rough sandstone crags so tempting for playing enjoyable gravity games. But one ancient legend says that it was mythic Martin Čermák alone- the guy who has a number famous climbing and bouldering scalps around the world but who is so mythic (or fast?) that he has never been seen during succesfull attepmts at least by live people (readers of Czech climbing magazine Montana already  knows that  there are many virtual witnesses:). Disregarding this a bit unsure fact it is a pretty sure that Sněžník become increasingly popular among our community during few past years. Contemporary, there are hundreds nice boulders with a difficulty up to 8A+,  6A/B in average. The most difficult ones are typical works of art produced by Rosta Stefanek and Ondra Benes (leader of DC-S boulder gang). The electronic (pdf) version of guide book is available at ''. Within not so large time delay this guide of extraordinary beauty and convenience is actualized from time to time (thank to Majkl, Jarda for this) . One should also mention the refreshment at the ground floor of Sněžník's view-tower at top of the hill (Note, local experienced climber prefer to visit the other pubs, e.g. the ones in Ostrov, Dolni Zleb, Tisa,...) 

DC-S Sněžník 2004 competition. After the registration of about seventy competitors the competition started at 10 a.m. (2004/10/18) in the South part of Sněžník hill known under the name 'Best of Direct'. In accordance with a given rules people should have to collect the points in agreement with point's system of boulders. It was a charming sunny mosaic of sandstones, white trees, colorful climbers with crash-pads, dogs, photographers all these was rushing in the light wood thus being in sharp contrast to warm, cloudless and lazy day of the Indian Summer. At 2 p.m. the eleven final competitors (whose lists exceeded 500 points) together with spectators moved to the North face of the hill where the four 'Miss boulders' (the exceptionally nice crags with extraordinary nice moves :) were prepared. The girls/womans stay without final due to the one day schedule constrain thus their positions have been read off from the number of points they obtain during the 'Best of Direct' stage. Let us stressed the winners

1. Simona Ulmanová 
2. Nelly Kudrová 
3. Sylva Nagyová

Ok, stop the words at this point, what we can best to do is to offer our adventures stored as 0's and 1's at the pages Gallery of the Photos.

Nelina and Malina

Some interesting snapshots can be seen in the following article  'VOBRÁZKY ZE SNĚŽNÍKU 2004' in the Czech version of these pages. Please do not care about the text and enjoy the pictures. For completenes I offer the translated description of these pictures (in backward ordering)

17-th Kuba Hlaváček , the 2-nd competitor of 'DC-S Sněžník 2004', succes attempt, 7C Panel

16-th Jiří Přibil, the 3-rd position, he is fighting under the same Panel.
15-th Traverz on the crag 'Kamen ve svahu', no body has succeded but Jirous made a nice fall
after one second passed.

14-th  Aron Urbanicz (THE ABSOLUTE WINNER) slowly approaching his golden medail. First boulder 'Boule' 7A+, only two men did it, the second was the great  technician Pajka- Pavel Ryva*.
12-th View to DDR from the North face.

13-th Before final, people.

11-th Nelly and stony horse.

10-th Simona  fighting with the first step in the crag 'Foundation'. Nelly is saving her. Zuza is stared on. Voyaer is in the bush.

9-th to 2-nd Without comments.

1-st Two of organizers: Ondra (the guy sitting on the stone) and Rosta Štefánek (Sir with glasses siting on the ground).

Of course, some nice pictures can be found already at proposals 'DC-S HUDY BOULDER CUP 04' (the preceding page).

The complete list of the results is here

In order to conclude it was a particularly good action where, as one can hope, everybody was satisfied. If it was not due to the sport feat of its own it certainly would be due to  the extraordinary weather that contributes by non-negligible way. The show was finally continued by streams of beer, hard core music, lesbi show and only  Good knows what happend during this night in Ostrov destination. At last but not at least, the organizers have promised the next year repetition.

Participants thank to the organizers.
Organizers thank to the sponsors.
Special Thank to Ivucha for  Sunday lunch.
Without such support there will not be this report.
P.S. In contrary to the situation in DDR magnesium chalk is highly recommended here!   

V.S.   [edit] 20:07 04.10.2004Print 


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 thesneznik20:28:22 04.10.2004
cus admini, fotku neumim fsoupnout, poslal sem ji standovi.patri nad nelinu a malinu (mimochodem zase se to vratilo jak nedoruceny, ale radej pockam nez vam zase zahltim kasliky:)
 Re: thesneznik20:38:40 04.10.2004
jestli uz ste nasli toho voluntera (viz inzerce) tak at to po me treba opravi, beztak se tu moc nenadre:)
jo a pak ty mi komenty treba smazte

 Jo20:34:42 04.10.2004
a Rosto, Ondro, Jardo a spol. , chybi-li vam tam neco, toz dejte vedet treba na mail.
 Re: Jo23:30:36 04.10.2004
Thanks a lot Laco for the story. Good job. I noticed that there were not only Hungarian but German and Polish climbers on the results list either. So good international action in the end:)
(PS: Jsou odkazy tak, jak jsi zamýšlel?)
  Re: Jo09:13:33 05.10.2004
Sure, they fit. Although, I forgot to mention:) Thank

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