Czech Climbing




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Křest lezeckého průvodce Vltavská žula
Legenda jménem Chroust, publikace o životě Vladimíra Procházky
Metodika základů lezení na umělé stěně

SP Koper (06.09)
HIS maraton (06.09)
ČP rychlost Brno (07.09)

1.Ondra 13491
2.Šindel 12475
3.Votoček 12318
1.Konečný 11275
2.Stráník 11106
3.Volf 11031
1.Groš 7955
2.Rojko 7330
3.Skopec 7279

ME v paralezení (24.08)
Cena horolezeckého festivalu (24.08)
MSM Čína (23.08)

5628 lezců
1127220 cest
Nové přelezy:
Pražský Ci Xc
Kostelecká 9
Královna O 7C
Troll 7C+
Ni Dieu Ni 7b
Němá Barik 9+/10-
Via Sacra 10-
Patička Le 8A+
Subway 10
Snatch Awa 10-

Boulder Bar - Praha 7
Lezecká stěna Kbely - Praha 9 – Kbely
Big Wall - Praha 9 - Vysočany

LANEX eshop - Bolatice
Rock Point Plzeň Americká - Plzeň - Štěchovice


A quick word from the World Championship in Munich

By World Champion

smThe World Championship took place july 2nd to 5th in Munich, Germany. The World Championship takes place biannually, so motivation for the competition was excellent.

My aim was the defense of my title from 2003 in Chamonix. This was fulfilled above my expectations, with the big support of self-confidence and with help of the whole team- especially Helena, who prepared me mentally.

The biggest handicap was perhaps the never-ending qualification, where 17 hours of waiting in isolation was for sure the world record. Unfortunately, it was me who waited the longest time, the rules are that the row of climbers is from the worst to the best according to so cold cuver ranking, and I was the first. Some rule changes are necessary, because really the best are the most punished in the current system.
The wall and routes were excellent, check out the pictures in the photo galery.
Perhaps the organization, the order of the starting list, or not keeping of the timetable shamed on the other wise smooth competition.
So for me everything aimed to Saturday’s finals where I climbed with 100 % concentration and with the feel of being overpowered to the top, which was equal to the victory, which I reached and I appreciate it as much and I hope that even other climbers will appreciate it too.
And what further? …
In two weeks the another important competition in German Duisburg awaits me. These are the World Games, where there is a strict qualification quote. That means that continental Champions will start there, World Champion, Germany Champion, Europe … I fulfilled this quota  twice so ICC gave the possibility to start to the Vice World Champion Patxi Usobiaga (btw. he already has two titles)
And then go to rocks to cheer myself and even rock fans.

Tomáš Mrázek

photo by Helena Lipenská

The Medal

photo by Helena Lipenská

The wall

photo by Helena Lipenská

The text in Czech and the pictures are on Tom´s site, where you can find the above mentioned photo galery and more pictures: The site has an English version too.

Tomas Mrazek   [edit] 14:35 07.07.2005Print 


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