There are also many good climbers besides Štefánek, Beneš, Sobotka and Adam Ondra who have been climbing on sandstone recently.
Jitka Mázlová climbs all types of styles and she climbs at a level far from the rest of the women in the Czech Republic.
She sent some hard routes in Teplicke skaly.
She did the route Tsunami Xb in Chrámové stěny in Teplice Rock. The route is very technical and mentaly demanding. The huge reach to the last ring is quite frightful.
Her husband Luboš Mázl has also done a couple of hard routes in Teplice too.
From his tick list:
Černy Petr XIa (8a+/8b)
Vysoké napětí XIb/c (8b)
Zrzavý Slimáci XIc (8b)