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SP Koper (06.09)
HIS maraton (06.09)
ČP rychlost Brno (07.09)

12.Gulášek 11035
13.Širůčková 11022
14.Smetanová 10937
12.Petrík 9800
13.Kučera 9703
14.Šlapák 9653
6.Punčochář 6758
7.Sejbal 6629
8.Sukačová 6464

ME v paralezení (24.08)
Cena horolezeckého festivalu (24.08)
MSM Čína (23.08)

5628 lezců
1127218 cest
Nové přelezy:
Pražský Ci Xc
Kostelecká 9
Královna O 7C
Troll 7C+
Ni Dieu Ni 7b
Němá Barik 9+/10-
Via Sacra 10-
Patička Le 8A+
Subway 10
Snatch Awa 10-

Stěna Kopřivnice - Kopřivnice
ZŠ Dukelská - Příbor
ZŠ Jihlava - Jihlava

Green sport s.r.o. - Uherské Hradiště
HUDYsport - Praha 5
HUDYsport - Hradec Králové


Three routes, two jumps

North faces of the Tre Cime

While on expedition in Patagonia in March of 2005, Dean Potter and Thomas Huber thought out bold plan: To climb the north faces of Cima Picolla, Cima Grande and Cima Ovest in one day. The key to the plan's success was to figure out the fastest descent.

The realization of this imposing plan for both climbers started on September 11, 2006. The vision "three routes, two jumps and one day" began to materialize shortly after midnight, when both actors began the route 'Ötzi trifft Yeti'. It is a modern sport route on Cima Piccola, 8+ UIAA. Also scheduled that day were 'Phantom der Zinne' on Cima Grande 9 UIAA, and 'Schweizer Dach' on Cima Ovest, also 9 UIAA. All together more then 45 pitches of climbing in 24 hours, two in the 9th grade and 16 in the 8th grade UIAA.
  At 4.00 a.m. they had already toped out on the first route by light of their headlights. They waited until morning light and the first 270 meter long jump followed.  At half past six they both began the route 'Phantom der Zinne' on Cima Grande. They reached the top at 13.00 and the second base jump happened went off without a hitch.
  At 3 pm they began the 'Schweizer Dach' on  Cima Ovest. Thomas lead and for the first 20 metres everything is alright. suddenly Thomas felt a trounling pain in his shoulder and they had to finish the entire event. The big idea ends and long four month rehabilitation phase starts...
  The entire action was realised with assistence from a team of friends, who took pictures (Heinz Zak), and also of camera crew (so we could look forward to some next mountain film festival..., remark of the translator).

The night ascent via the route Ötzi trifft Yeti 8+, Cima Piccolla

photo by© Heinz Zak

Thomas Huber on the route Phantom der Zinne 9, Cimu Grande 

photo by© Heinz Zak

Dean Potter on Phantom der Zinne, Cima Grande

photo by© Heinz Zak

During the ascent to Cima Grande: Thomas climbing, Dean belaying

photo by© Heinz Zak

The fast descent - base jumping

photo by© Heinz Zak

The loose, short translation of the article + photos according to with the personal courtesy of Thomas Huber. More pictures from the event are at the hyperlinked site of the Huber´s brothers.

Thomas Huber (loose transl. by   [edit] 21:02 22.01.2007Print 


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