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1.Ondra 13491
2.Šindel 12475
3.Votoček 12318
1.Konečný 11275
2.Stráník 11106
3.Volf 11031
1.Groš 7955
2.Rojko 7330
3.Skopec 7279

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5628 lezců
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Pražský Ci Xc
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Via Sacra 10-
Patička Le 8A+
Subway 10
Snatch Awa 10-

Boulder Bar - Praha 7
Lezecká stěna Kbely - Praha 9 – Kbely
Lezecké centrum SmíchOFF - Praha 5

Shops - Štěchovice
Outdoor Centrum Rock Point Perštýn - Praha 1
Outdoor Centrum Rock Point Masarykova - Brno


World Championship in sport climbing Avilés (ESP)

Martin Stranik 2nd in boulders, Tomas Mrazek 3rd in lead

smInfo from World Championship in climbing, Avilés (ESP) 2007: Czech Martin Stranik was 2nd in bouldering tonight! Dmitry Sharafutdinov (RUS) and Anna Stohr (AUT) win.

Martin Stranik - MS 2007 Avilés

photo by © Cedric Larcher /

Sunday 23, Sept afternoon:
Czech Martin Stranik continues to finals in bouldering, Silva Rajfova finished today in semifinals 13th. Martin Stranik goes to the finals from the 5th position. The finals competition is expected today on 4 pm.

From Saturday 22 Sept, 2007:
Tomas Mrazek is 3rd on World Championship in lead climbing. Ramon Julian Puigblanque (ESP) wins, Patxi Usobiaga (ESP) was 2nd, Tomas Mrázek holds the 3rd place with Cedric Lachat (FRA) and Jorg Verhoeven (NED). Women results: 1st Angela Eiter (AUT), 2nd Muriel Sarkany (BEL), 3rd Maja Vidmar (SLO).

Provisional results of finals:
1 Julian Puigblanque Ramón  1981 ESP
2 Usobiaga Patxi 1980 ESP
3 Mrázek Tomás 1982 CZE
3 Lachat Cédric 1984 SUI
3 Verhoeven Jorg 1985 NED
6 Crespi Flavio 1980 ITA
7 Lopez Mateos Eric  1991 ESP
8 Midtboe Magnus 1988 NOR

Full results

Tomas Mrázek - MS 2007 Avilés

photo by © Cedric Larcher /

Tomas Mrázek - MS 2007 Avilés

photo by © Cedric Larcher /

Tomas Mrázek - MS 2007 Avilés

photo by © Cedric Larcher /

Tomas Mrazek continues today to evening finals in lead climbing competition. There were 8 tops in semifinals.
Comeback of Alex Chabot (FRA) did not happen (no one French in finals of men). The best Spanish Patxi Usobiaga almost did not overcome the pressure and he continues only with the tiny margin. Europe Champions David Lama and Charlote Durif do not continue. Among women there were 9 tops. Besides Tomas Mrazek also Angela Eiter (AUT) defends the title of World Champion.

From Friday 21 Sept, 2007:
Oixin Zhong (CHN) and Tatiana Ruyga (RUS) become the World Champions in speed climbing tonight. Czech Libor Hroza finishes on the 8th position.

From Friday 21 Sept, 2007, afternoon:
Qualification of speed climbing has just finished. Czech Libor Hroza continues from the 8th place to finals, that begins on 18.00 tonight and should be on-line. The other Czech Martin Stranik finished 37th.

The live on-line should be on the organizer's site

From Thursday 20 Sept, 2007:

Qualification of bouldering on World Championship in climbing, Avilés (ESP) 2007: Czechs Martin Stranik and Silva Rajfova continued to semifinals. The rest of members of the Czech team did not continued. 20 men and 20 women continued, Martin Stranik from 15th place, Tomas Mrazek finished on 33rd place.

Silva Rajfova continued to semifinals from 9th place ( 77 women), Helena Lipenska finished 35th.
E.g Davida Lama (AUT) also did not continued, he finished 50th. There were 131 men, Czech Jiri Přibil finished 87th.

Bouldering semifinals is on schedule on Sunday morning. There were two groups of A and B from each 10 people continued so, altogether 20 men and 20 women. From semifinals there will continue to finals (Sunday afternoon) only six men or women continues.
There were 12 boulder profiles built, so qualification could be climbed simultaneously to all competitors divided to groups A and B.

From Wednesday 19 Sept, 2007:
The final result of qualification of World Championship in lead climbing, Avilés (ESP) 2007: Tomas Mrazek among a few others did today the top of the 2nd qualification route and continues from the 1st position to semfinals. The other Czech, Martin Stranik did not continued, he ended on 32nd position.

From Tuesday 18 Sept, 2007:
The news from the 1st qualification of the World Championship in lead climbing, Avilés (ESP) 2007: the Czech favorite Tomas Mrazek was today 1st in the group, the other Czech Martin Stranik was the 20th in the group.

13 people from each group continues to the semifinals. Tomorrow there will be the second qualification round, so Martin has to work hard.
Further Juraj Repcik (Slovakia) was today the 18th in the group.

The program and the list of the Czech team in opening article World Championship in sport climbing Avilés (ESP) 2007

Helena Lipenska   [edit] 19:00 23.09.2007Print 


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