Czech Climbing




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MČR v ledolezení na obtížnost (15.03)
SP boulder Keqiao (CHN) (18.04)
SP obtížnost, rychlost Wujiang (CHN) (25.04)

1.Šindel 12397
2.Votoček 12356
3.Trojan 12262
1.Volf 11303
2.Konečný 11275
3.Novák 10925
1.Groš 7855
2.Rojko 7592
3.Skopec 7324

MČR ve skialpech (08.03)
POMOCA Sprint Rokytnice (22.02)
ČP v bouldru Praha (15.02)

5699 lezců
1157184 cest
Nové přelezy:
Super Sant 7c
Bongo, Bon 7c
Herejía 8B
Sick And D 8A
Ready To F 8A+
Sogun 1L 7c
Puff 7c+/8a
Branka 8A
Via Del Os 8a
The Kessel 7c

Rock 'n' Wall - Plzeň
Boulder Bar - Praha 7
Big Wall - Praha 9 - Vysočany

Outdoor Centrum Rock Point Masarykova - Brno
Outdoor Centrum Rock Point Perštýn - Praha 1
Rock Point OC Olympia - Brno


Climbing maps II.

New functions

We introduced new maps two month ago and today we are going to bring a great number of new functionalities.

If you haven’t see these maps yet check the article, which is linked below.

Our maps are pretty progressing because since we started (two month ago) we added 291 new points of interests (more than half are new rocks).

(Wanna thank for this contribution mainly to V.Vinduška (61 new points) and J. Burian (12 new points).

We will appreciate if you would send us also your measured points.

The whole page view

You have often commented a small view of map field. We added a button "Upper map size" means Fit the map to the whole screen.

View of the whole republic (resolution 1600x1200)

Terrain view

Again there is a button ("Terrain"), which will give you for mountaineers a very pleasant view - a mountain terrain view.

Tenerife, and the Spain’s highest peak Pico de Teide (3717 m)

Parking place

Good spot where you can leave your car is visible in deep zoom in level.

See a parking place icon

Full text search and top rated articles

All information concerning climbing spot is provided by an info bubble, which is also equipped with a full text search features.

English article available

View of the area

Info bubble helps to identify the area even if you are too close and see just the tiny sectors. Just clicking on the name of the whole area you can get a big picture of it.

See in the upper part of the bubble an area "Arrea: Horní skály"


We tried to tune all processes to maximize the speed of data download.

Grade Range

We have changed grade range graphs, now we got intervals 1-4, 5-6, 7-8, 9-10.


We have expressed the status that just a latest browsers will be supported though we tried to implement the functionality also for older versions.

BTW, today is release day of Firefox in version 3.0.

Distance ruler

Its just a little thing but it helps to have a big picture concerning distances.

Bright future

New functions will be continued, point will be more bounded with guidebooks and Tune it to be better tool for planning trips.   [edit] 21:46 17.06.2008Print 


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Commentaries commentsNew comment 

 coordinates12:25:44 25.06.2008
Hello, very nice new maps feature!
Would it be possible to get a list with coordinates of all areas to use in my navigation?
like this:

LU Berdorf sandstone 49.8316;6.34426
 Re: coordinates15:16:15 14.07.2008
Hi Petje, we are going to incorporate such a feature into coming version of our map system. So in the final version you should be able download a list of all spots for climbing on the globe. Now we are about to fill in the database of points so it takes some time so please be patience.
Jirka Sreply 

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