Czech Climbing




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Křest lezeckého průvodce Vltavská žula
Legenda jménem Chroust, publikace o životě Vladimíra Procházky
Metodika základů lezení na umělé stěně

SP Koper (06.09)
HIS maraton (06.09)
ČP rychlost Brno (07.09)

42.Zaoral 10156
43.Podstata 10116
44.Hebelka 10115
42. 8503
43.Skála 8503
44.Plaček 8456
13.Magič 5386
14.Y 5373
15.Abt 5186

ME v paralezení (24.08)
Cena horolezeckého festivalu (24.08)
MSM Čína (23.08)

5628 lezců
1127219 cest
Nové přelezy:
Pražský Ci Xc
Kostelecká 9
Královna O 7C
Troll 7C+
Ni Dieu Ni 7b
Němá Barik 9+/10-
Via Sacra 10-
Patička Le 8A+
Subway 10
Snatch Awa 10-

Vnitřní lezecká stěna - Juliska - Praha 6
Venkovní lezecká stěna ZŠ Habrmanova - Česká Třebová
Provide Wall - není v provozu - Dolní Chřibská

HUDYsport - Teplice
Robert Janda - Treking sport - Plzeň
Outdoor Centrum Rock Point Poštovní - Ostrava 1


Czech Mounaineering Union changed the rule of chalk ban on sand

Czech mountaineering union approved today the change in ban of chalk usage on Czech sandstones. According to the new decision chalk is not banned in general climbing rules, but the regulation is in competence of the local mountaineering commissions.

The change was suggested by the representatives of pro chalk progressive mostly sport climbers who would like to climb on Czech rocks in conditions similar like in the majority of foreign states. The change has come after years of large dispute between the pro chalk progressive sport climbers and anti chalk conservative traditionalists.

The ban on Czech sandstones is still valid but the local climbing authorities could find some local exceptions how to solve the local situation.

So that would be necessary to discuss local conditions with local climbers about using chalk in the visited Czech sandstone area.

The new change was approved by 2034 votes of representatives of General assembly meeting today, 586 were against, 169 were neutral.

The Chairman of Czech mountaineering union Zdenek Hruby, who was newly elected two month ago and his the colleagues from the new leadership were for the pro chalk change.

hlasování o mg

The voting about the chalk issue


Chairman of the Czech  mountaineering union Zdenek Hruby opens the general assembly meeting

Igor Koller

As the guest there were Chairman of James - Slovak mountaineering association Igor Koller who also supported the new pro chalk change

Standa   [edit] 20:28 21.03.2009Print 


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