The invitation for the 1st round of Hungarian Cup in lead climbing of kids and youth came from our friend from Hungary. It takes place on March 4/5 2006 in Budapest. ... full story
The bouldering competitions starts - The Prague Boulder Bar ends
This weekend Feb 25th 2006 the first competition in bouldering listed in Czech ranking starts. The competition takes place in Prague Boulder Bar and is the last action there because the famous Boulder Bar gym is going to close down to clear the spot for some new luxury hotel. ... full story
UIAA released new rules for the World Cup competitions. Among the most important things are changes to three rounds insted of two in bouldering competitions. And that every kid who will be 16 years old during the year can start, that can mean that Austrian wonder boy David Lama who will be 16 in August can match with the world elite in lead climbing from the begining of the year. ... full story
The 3rd World Cup competition 2006 in ice difficulty and speed climbing was in Busteni, Romania last weekend 10/11 Feb 2006. There have been no Czech participators. The results of the bests: ... full story
Ice climbing in Lužicke hory (Luzicke Mountains), North Bohemia, location Klíč has been prohibitet. The local preserve officials decided about that. Insted of this place climbers can further continue in ice climbing in the wall of Břidličný vrch at area of Lužické Mountains. ... full story
Check out the video of a brave accent of a high ball in the new atractive granite bouldering area in Petrohrad (between Prague and Karlovy Vary - Karls Bad). German readers can may remember it from the Klettern magazine article from November 2005, where there is a large photo of Kometa in Brana. ... full story
At the this year first World Cup competition in ice difficulty climbing in Valle Daone (Italy) last weekend (22 January 2006) the Czech climbers ended: Standa Hovanec 26th, Jan Doudlebský 47th, Jiří Slabý 50th, Martin Louda 53th. ... full story
A snow avalanche killed a skier in Beskydy mountains (eastern Moravia, east part of Czech Republic) on Wednesday Jan 25. He and his coleague skied down out of the official skiing slope. The other guy escaped without any hit. ... full story
A World Cup Ice Climbing competition will take place on January 27/28 2006 in Northen Bohemia Tanvaldský Špičák ski resort in Jizerske mountains (Czech Republic). It will be 2nd year of the action named Tendon Icebreaker Ice World Cup. ... full story