Look at video with silver Jakub Konecny on Czech Cup lead climbing competition on Saturday in Prague. Jakub Konecny (16 years) the only one who could climb to almost same height as Adam Ondra. He fell about a hold and half below.
The video was published on youtube:
And there is a video with comparison of both Adam and Jakub:
Jakub Konecny is 16 years old, hwe is from Lipnik nad Becvou (town on East of Czech Republic). In rock climbing ranking na czechclimbing.com he is on 3rd place aftewr Adam Ondra and Petr Blaha. Last autumn he climed three routes of 8c in Misja Pec, Slovenia. Look at his Diary: Konecnz Jakub (konecnik)
Jakub Konecny climbs the finals route on Czech Cup in lead climbing 2016 in Prague.
Jakub Konecny on the 2nd step of podiums Czech Cup in lead climbing 2016 in Prague